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I examined myself in the mirror and honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"You look stunning!" Abby gasped.

"Correction. We look stunning" I laughed.

Abby was wearing a black crop top and a tight skirt. I decided on a tight red dress I had worn to a wedding last year, and found at the back of my closet.

We both had full faces of makeup on, and curled hair. This was the most confident I'd ever felt in my entire life.

"Let's go!" Abby screamed in my ear, causing me to jump out of my skin.

She called an uber to take us to the party and whilst we waited we took a couple of photos together to post on Instagram later.

"It's here" she said after around ten minutes. I grabbed my phone off of my desk and then we headed outside.

I closed my front door behind me and immediately made eye contact with Shawn across the road. He looked very shocked to see me, as I guess he didn't think I'd be going to the party after our argument. Even though I was mad at him, I have to admit he looked so good. He was wearing jeans and a shirt, and it outlined his muscles perfectly.

"Maya, lets go" Abby whispered to snap me out of the stare. I then broke eye contact with Shawn and got into the uber with her.

The whole ride there my mind was just filled with possible scenarios of how tonight might go. I was just nervous. After all, this is my first every party.

"We're here!" Abby cheered, jumping out of the car.

I took a second to look at my surroundings. It was pitch black outside, but the area was lit up by the bright lights of the house. There must have been a few hundred people there, and the noise coming from inside was insane.

I followed Abby inside, staying close to her at all times. As soon as we stepped in the house I took in the smell of alcohol and the noise of music blasting my eardrums.

"Girls, welcome!" Ben slurred as we entered. Great. He was already drunk. "Let's get you guys a drink"

We followed Ben through the crowd of people and into the kitchen. He pulled out two beers from the fridge and opened them both, before handing them to us.

"Thank you" I half-smiled. I accepted the drink, but I knew I wasn't going to drink it. I hate the taste of Alcohol.

A group of people came over to talk to Abby, Ben and I. I didn't know any of them, but they introduced themselves and they all seemed nice.

After I'd lost interest in the conversation, I took a look around the room. There was two games of beer pong going on, and one table of people doing continuous shots.

I suddenly got the feeling of someone looking at me, so I looked around the room and caught eye contact with Shawn. Again.

But, this time he wasn't alone. He was with Josie. They were stood in the corner of the room talking, about me I'm guessing.

Then I got a huge wave of adrenaline and anger over me, and I felt the need to do something to get my mind off of them.

"Let's do shots" I blurted.

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