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wanna do a partner costume
for halloween?


any ideas?

how about zombie bride and groom???

that would be so cool!!!!

i can't wait

me neither. i'll pick you up from yours at 9pm and I'll drive us to the haunted house

cool. who else is going to be there?

i'm not too sure because abby is organising it, but i think it's just a couple of others from school

okay cool


"Wow, my wife is beautiful" Shawn gasped, obviously joking as I looked like a mess.

I had a short white dress on and a long veil, with blood stains all over me. My makeup was zombie like, as I had grey and dark patches with fake blood and scars on my face. And my hair was curled and back combed.

"As is my Husband" I agreed.

Shawn had special effects makeup like me, and had a ripped suit on, and messy hair.

He walked a bit closer to me and took my hand in his, leading me to his car.

"You excited?" he asked me when began to drive.

"Yeah. It's nice to leave my house for once, and I love halloween" I answered.

"Me too. It's the second best holiday, after Christmas of course" he added.

"Of course" I smiled, quoting his words.

We arrived at the Haunted house, and it was the creepiest place I'd ever seen. It looked 1000 years old, and as it was pitch black outside, which made it scarier.

"Guys, your outfits look amazing!" Abby gasped, running towards us.

"Thank you Abs, I missed you" I complained, pulling her into a hug.

"I missed you too! You're better now right?" she asked.

"Yeah" I assured her, lying in the process.

"Good. Now, lets head inside!" she cheered, jumping up and down. She then ran towards the big crowd of people, leaving me and Shawn alone.

I turned my head to side to look at him, and flashed him a big smile, before following Abby to the crowd of people.

But when I saw who was in the crowd, I wanted to scream.

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