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"Pepsi and Coke are the same thing" Abby protested.

"Oh my god!" Me and Shawn shouted at the same time.

It was currently lunch time, and Shawn, Abby and I were having one of our many debates we have on a daily basis.

Even though I had found out what happened between Shawn and Abby, they still act friendly around each other, thank god.

"What you guys arguing about?" A voice asked. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind, and they rested their head on my shoulder.


I looked over to Shawn and his happy expression had gone sour, and he rolled his eyes at me.

"We're not arguing, we're debating" I told him.

"What about?" he asked.

"Pepsi and Coke" Abby answered.

"Oh, well. Coke is obviously better" he added.

"Wow. I barely know you" I joked, taking his hands off me and leaving his side. That caused Shawn to laugh, which made me feel less guilty about Ben being around.

"You like Pepsi?" Ben gasped.

"Yes!" me and Shawn snapped.

"Okay, right. This conversation is over" Abby announced.

"Yeah I gotta go. Bye M" Ben agreed, kissing me on the cheek and then walking away.

"Oh, so he calls you 'M' now" Abby laughed.

"How cute" Shawn added sarcastically, then mimicking being sick.

"Very funny guys" I joked, walking away, closely followed by Shawn as we had class together next.

"I see your and Ben's relationship is going well" he began.

"Shawn, don't. There is no relationship. We went on one date" I insisted.

"Okay, but don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart" he said, holding his hands up in defence. We carried on walking to class but I turned my head to face him and smiled whilst shaking my head in disbelief.

Wow this boy is a piece of work.


"Okay class, today you will be beginning your projects. You need to get together with your partners and start to write your songs" the teacher announced.

Shawn and I had booked the band room today so that we could rehearse in private.

"So, I wrote down some ideas for lyrics here" Shawn began, handing me a piece of paper to read. "And I had an idea for the music if you want to hear it?"

"Yeah go ahead" I nodded.

He picked up a guitar from beside him and began to play the most beautiful tune I'd ever heard. I was so shocked by this boy's talent.

As he played I read the lyrics:

Take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart
You'll never be alone

"What do you think?" he asked once he'd finished.

"Shawn, that was amazing. Honestly" I replied, stunned.

"Thank you. And the lyrics, that was just an idea I had for the chorus but if you want to change it I completely understand-"

"No. They're perfect" I insisted.

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