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It was a Sunday morning and I was awake at 7AM to meet Shawn. I don't know why I agreed to this because it's way too early.

I took a long shower and then got ready for the day. I had a bad feeling in my stomach the whole time, because I was nervous to have a 'talk' with Shawn.

After I'd finished my makeup and hair, I left my house. He told me to come to his for 9am because his family were out for the morning.

When I'd reached his front door, I took a deep breath, before knocking. After around 30 seconds, the door opened.

"Hey" he smiled, gesturing for me to come in. I smiled in return, and walked inside.

"You can go up to my room if you want, I'll be up in a second i've just got to grab something" he told me. I nodded in response and headed upstairs.

I know I'd been in his bedroom before, but I was extremely hungover, so I hadn't taken a proper look around.

There were many guitars and music sheets around the room, but I was distracted by his photo wall. There was one photo in particular that caught my eye.

"You alright?" he asked when he walked in.

"Is this Abby?" I wondered.

There was a photo of Shawn and a girl at a party, and they looked like they were having a lot of fun. But the girl looked like Abby, and that didn't make any sense because she told me to stay away from him.

"Yeah" he answered quietly.

"Did something.... bad happen between you two?" I questioned.

"Why do you ask that?" he wondered.

"When we first became friends, Abby told me to stay away from you. She told me that you would use me and-"

"That's not true" he interrupted me. "What actually happened, was that we used to date. For quite a while actually. And... I lost feelings. I wasn't in love with her, when I thought I was. So I ended things. And she wasn't happy with that"

"So, why would she tell me to stay away?" I repeated.

"Because she thinks I used her. And she thinks that I'll use everyone else. But that's not true" he answered.

"Are you using Josie?" I blurted. I immediately regretted it, I didn't mean to say that it just came out.

There was an awkward silence and he walked away and sat on his bed. I took a seat on his couch.

"Me and Josie are not, and have never been a thing" he began. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about"

"Go ahead" I insisted.

"Okay. So, Josie's family have been friends with my family since before I was born. And we grew up together. So she's always been... protective over me. So, I guess when we started to get close she didn't like that and tried to stop us being friends" he explained.

"So why did you say those things to me in Music class?" I asked.

"About five minutes before I saw you, Josie came running to me and saying that you were threatening her and she looked so genuine I actually believed her. But when we were at the party she confessed what happened and I got so angry at myself for believing her and not you and- I'm just so sorry Maya" he apologised.

He stood up from his bed and walked out of the room, returning with a bouquet of flowers.

"I got you these" he smiled, handing them to me. "To apologise"

"Shawn, these are beautiful. Thank you. And there's nothing to apologise for, you hardly know me so I understand why you wouldn't believe me over her" I thanked him.

"So, we're okay right?" he smirked.

"Of course!" I blushed, standing up from the couch to give him a hug.

I embraced him in a tight hug whilst holding the flowers in front of me to not crush them, and I couldn't stop smiling the whole time.

"One more thing" he added in a sad tone, making me end the hug.

"What?" I cringed, not wanting to argue again.

"I saw you last night, outside your house with Ben" he began. "And I think it's good that you've found someone you like but, you should stay away from him"

"What? Why?" I snapped.

"Ben's just, not a nice guy" he told me.

"But, why? What did he do?" I persisted.

"Maya I, I can't tell you. But he's just not who you think he is" he continued.

"Shawn. I really don't want to argue with you. So I'm just gonna end the conversation here. Thank you so much for the flowers and the apology and for being so nice. Now I've got to go. I'll see you tomorrow"

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