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I lost interest in the conversation, so I began to look around the room. I then noticed Shawn doing something on his phone under the table.

Then I felt my phone buzz.

you look beautiful

The moment I read the text my heart began to beat 100 times faster. I felt heat run to my face and my cheeks flush red.


I made eye contact with Shawn and shook my head at him, still with a massive smile on my face.

i didn't mean to make you blush. just wanted to let you know

thank you.

About five minutes later I got another text.

i'm so bored. do u wanna get out of here?

i'd love too

"Mom, is it okay if Maya and I are excused?" Shawn asked, standing up from his chair.

"Of course" she nodded, before returning to her conversation.

Shawn gestured for me to come with him so I did, and followed him up to his bedroom.

"Thank god we're out of there!" he shouted, before collapsing on his bed.

"Shawn! Be quiet they'll here you" I laughed.

"It's not my fault this has been the most boring evening ever" he shrugged. "Anyways, I have a question"

"What is it?" I asked whilst I walked over and sat on his bed beside him. There was a bit of space between us but just being near him made me get butterflies in my stomach.

"You told me that you moved here because your Dad got a promotion. And I know that's not true because he doesn't live with you. So what's the real reason you're here?"

My heart sank, and I got an overwhelming feeling of sickness in my stomach. I really didn't want to have this conversation.

"Um- it doesn't really matter" I said quietly, fiddling with my hands.

"Sorry Maya, I shouldn't have brought it up. I just thought you might have wanted to talk about it" he apologised.

"It's fine" I assured him.

"I also have another question" he added, his voice now sounding a bit more cheerful. "What did Aaliyah tell you earlier?"

I let out a little laugh and then answered. "She told me that you liked me, a lot"

"The little devil" he snapped. "But, it's not a lie"

He looked me in the eyes when he told me that, and I could tell he was being honest. It made me feel so amazing.

He then broke our eye contact and looked down at my hands, before taking them and holding them.

"I need to admit something" he whispered.

I looked up at him and he looked extremely nervous all of a sudden. Then he leaned over to me and whispered something in my ear.

"When I saw Ben take you home after your date, and kiss you, I was very jealous"

His words sent tingles down my spine, and made my heart race. I could feel myself blushing but I didn't care.

His head was still beside mine, and when I turned to face him, we were inches apart.

I looked into his eyes, and all I wanted to do was lean in and kiss him.

Suddenly, Abby's words started to race through my brain.

"Don't fall for Shawn Mendes"

But in that moment I knew; I'd fallen hard.

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