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He'd given me a little bit of money each day to spend on tube fair and lunch while I was out finding a job. But I'd been walking and taking sandwiches with me, so I could save it. It was his birthday the next day and I wanted to get him something. Which was hard, as it seemed like he had everything. Everything I did see was out of my price range. I trawled through music shops and clothes shops, but I just couldn't seem to find anything. I had become desperate. I was so annoyed that I couldn't find him something after all he'd done for me.

I was walking back home, feeling defeated. I'd got him a card and I planned on taking him out for a meal when I could. And then, like some shining beacon of hope, I saw a vintage book shop, hidden away between two fast food shops. I went right in and began searching for some old books. He'd probably read most of these or at least owned half of them. But one stood out. It was a battered old thing, it's spine broken and taped back together, but it looked perfect. I couldn't remember seeing it on the shelf at home and it was a classic.

I woke up before him the next morning, sneaking down and starting breakfast. I knew he had a busy day at work and he'd be needing a good start. I put on a pot of coffee and got out the present, now wrapped up. I heard his alarm go off as I made the pancakes. I'd even got some sprinkles and a candle.

'Morning birthday boy.' I sang, badly, as he came down the stairs with messy hair and rubbing his eyes.

'Thanks.' He chuckled. I steered him to the breakfast bar and sat him down. I poured the coffee out and gave him the stack of pancakes, syrup and sprinkles, the candle lit on top. He was shaking his head in disbelief.

'I can't believe you've done this for me.'

'The least I could do.' I shrugged. 'Make a wish then.' I told him. He thought for a moment and then blew it out. I clapped and cheered, very over the top. We finished eating and I then pushed the present towards him.

'You didn't need to get me anything, Lily.'

'I know but I had to.' He stared at me before unwrapping it. I watched his face drop. 'Oh god, is it ok? I don't know if you-'

'George Orwell 1984. I did this at university but I lost it. It was one of my favourites. How did you know?'

'Lucky guess.' He came round to the side I was stood at and pulled me into a hug, hanging on tightly. 'I know it looks worn out and broken, but it's-' He cut me off.

'Perfectly fine on the inside. Like you.'

[[[all of your flaws]]] [[[part i]]]Where stories live. Discover now