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I could see a figure sat on the sofa, his back to me. And I knew immediately who it was.

'Get out of my home.' I said, mustering all the courage I had.

'Hello Mr Smith.' He didn't even turn around.

'Where is Lily?' I demanded to know. But I heard her whimper from somewhere. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't take him. He was twice my size. All I knew was that I had to save her.

'You took something very precious to me. And I'm here to take it back.'

'Shes not some fucking possession. Get out and leave us alone.'

'Us? It's 'us' now is it? See, Lily, I knew you'd been fucking him.' He said, looking down at the floor. I walked round slowly. And then I saw her, lying on the floor, her face bloodied and terrified, pinned down by his foot on her head. I knew if I dived at him, he'd hurt her.

'I'll give you anything you want. Money? The tv? Take anything. Just get out. Now.' I began to shout desperately.

'Oh I'm taking what I want, but not before I make sure she doesn't run away again.'

'I'll ring the police.' I said.

'Go on then. I doubt they'll believe I killed her, seeing as this is your flat.'

'Dan.' She sobbed. I felt helpless. One wrong move and he'd kill her. But if I did nothing, he'd kill her anyway. With all the hate filling me up, I launched at him with a fist. He held up a muscular arm to push me away, momentarily taking his foot from her head so she could scramble free. I took my chance to kick and punch at him. But he was too strong. He picked me up by the throat and hurled me across the room, my back slamming into the bookcase, toppling it over me. I screamed out in agony but got right back up. Lily was stood up, limping away. He was edging towards her with murder in his eyes. I put myself between them, protecting her.

'You're gonna get yourself killed for her? For this bitch?' He spat.

'Leave her alone. She doesn't want you. She never wanted you.' I shouted. I hoped someone downstairs or next door would hear and call for help. Until then, I didn't know how we'd get out of this. I knew that if he came at me again, I wouldn't be able to defend us.

I edged us towards the stairs to the bedroom, knowing that we'd never make it to the lift without him catching us. If we could lock ourselves in the bathroom, I could block the door long enough to ring the police. Lily was clutching onto my arms, pinching them out of fear. I held one of her hands in mine, trying to express that we would be ok. She was sobbing, begging me to get out the way. Begging me to let him take her.

He knew what we were doing. In seconds he had crossed the room and was feet away. I heard Lily scream and let go. I grabbed at her arm, but she flew past me.

'Lily no!' I shouted. It was all such a blur. She had rushed at him and I saw the glint of a blade. There was a struggle and I couldn't tear them apart. I didn't know where she ended and he began. And then I saw blood drip into the floor. 'LILY!' I cried. The pair of them dropped to the ground and I pulled her away from him. Her top was soaked red.

[[[all of your flaws]]] [[[part i]]]Where stories live. Discover now