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'Dan...' She sighed, trying to play off what I'd said. She seemed lost for words. I felt overwhelmed. She seemed overwhelmed. It had certainly been an amazing birthday so far. I still couldn't believe what she'd bought me. And if I wasn't mistaken, it was first edition too. It must've taken her hours to find it. I felt the urge to kiss her. But I had to fight it. The last thing she needed was me throwing myself at her. 'You better get ready or you'll be late.' She broke the tension.

'Yeah. I...can we go out and do something later, when I'm back? I'd like to take you somewhere nice.'

'Oh, don't do that, it's your birthday, don't you wanna see your friends? Your parents?' I was meant to be seeing them all later, but I wanted to spend it with her. This lovely woman who had done something so special for me.

'Go shopping and find something nice to wear. I might even wear a suit.' I warned her with a laugh. I didn't dress smart for just anything. I handed her my bank card and told her the pin.

'Oooo serious business.' She teased. 'Go and get ready or you'll be late.' She was pushing me towards the stairs.

I spent the rest of the day distracted. I couldn't get her out of my head. If I'd met her in another life time, I wouldn't have even thought twice about asking her out on a date. I hoped she didn't think tonight was a date. Because it wasn't. I was going to take her for food on the South Bank, nothing too posh, but better than burritos and pizza. And then I wanted to show her Big Ben up close, as she'd never been.

I was turning the book over in my hands, waiting for Mark to adjust something on the panel.

'Birthday present?' He asked, noting the book. I nodded.

'Lily got it me, first edition 1984.'

'Wow. So you and her...?'

'What? Are we....are we together? Gosh no, she's my friend.' I stumbled over my answer, which should've been simple. She was my friend.

'But she lives with you right?'

'Yeah she split with her boyfriend and needed somewhere to crash.' I reused the same response I'd told my friends.

'Shes nice. Would you mind if I took her for a drink?'

I was momentarily knocked. I shouldn't mind that Mark took her for a drink. Like I'd said, we weren't together. We were friends. So why did I feel insanely jelous about him asking? I had no right to feel jealous. I told myself I was just paranoid that Mark wouldn't understand her, he wasn't good enough for her. But then, who was? Me? I was being absurd.

'I...sure, go for it man.' I told him. He gave me permission to give her his number and left it up to me to set up. I didn't know what to do next. I probably should tell her Mark was interested. But that could wait for another day.

I rushed home that night. She'd once again been out job hunting and hopefully found something to wear.

'Honey, I'm home.' I called out. I heard a giggle from upstairs.

'Come up stairs. And don't laugh.' She shouted. I did as I was told, feeling excited. 'I haven't worn a dress for like fifteen years, so...' As I came up the steps I saw her feet in a pair of nude heels, her smooth, long legs, the hem of a black and white polka dot Fifties tea dress, which cinched in at the waist and showed off cleavage I didn't know she had, and finally, her nervous smile and her hair all done up in curls.

'Woah.' I mouthed. 'You look...'

'Like a twat?' She suggested.

'You look lovely.' I told her. She really did. I'd only seen her in jogging bottoms and once in her 'looking for a job' outfit. But in that dress she looked amazing. She blushed and shuffled her feet.

'You better uphold your end of the deal.' She pointed to the wardrobe. How could I not? I'd look a mess stood next to her in jeans and a band tee.

I showered and pulled out my old black suit, unworn since graduation last year, hoping it still fit. I even found a smart tie and dress shoes. She whistled when I came down the stairs. I twirled around and took a bow, much to her pleasure.

'Oh, I forgot, I got you this.' I went into my bag and pulled out a hastily wrapped box.

'A present? But it's your birthday.' She had her hand on her hip, disapproving.

'Well, it's a selfish present really. It's so you can contact me while I'm out.' I watched her face light up as she pulled out the phone. It wasn't anything fancy.

'Dan...!' She squealed and hugged me. 'You really shouldn't have.' I knew she had one, I'd seen it on the train, but I was sure she'd thrown it away.

'We can change the number on those CVs now.' I told her.

'Thank you.'

'Shall we go?' I offered her my arm.

'Yes, sir.' She took it, put her little matching bag on her arm and off we went.

[[[all of your flaws]]] [[[part i]]]Where stories live. Discover now