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He was chasing me and I couldn't get away fast enough. Every step I took, he took three. And before long he was on me, pushing me to the ground, tearing away my clothes with dirty finger nails, head butting me each time I tried to get away. I screamed out but no sound left my body. I felt as though I was suffocating and no one could help me.

'Lily.' A soft voice said.

'No, please no.' I muttered.

'Lily wake up.' Where was it coming from? Why couldn't I see them?

'No, I can't, please stop.'

'Lily, you're ok. You're safe.' I was slowly coming round, the feeling of pressure in my chest was lifting. I could see light. And in the middle of the light was a face I knew. Was this heaven? 'Lily, it's me.'

'Dan?' I whispered. How was he here? I put my hand up to his face, touching his soft skin. This was real. I sat up and threw my arms around him, sobbing, the memories rushing back. 'I'm so sorry.' I told him, burying my face into his neck.

'Lily, I love you.' He said. The words shocked me. I pulled back and looked into his eyes. Was he just saying that because I needed to hear something nice? To make me forget what had just happened? How could he love me? How could anyone love me? He knew what I was. He knew everything I'd done. But he had travelled two hundred miles to save me. He had given Steven nearly a grand to free me. He had whisked me away from hell, risking his own life.

'You don't mean that.' I whispered. He stared right back into my eyes. I could see tears welling up in his.

'I do. I've never felt like this before.'

'No, you can't love me.'

'I can.' He held my face in his hand, his thumb stroking my cheek. I leant into it, enjoying how it felt. I closed my eyes, expecting to open them and this be a dream. 'I love you.' He repeated. I opened them and he was still there. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Tingles in my fingers. I put my forehead against his, breathing in deeply before finally saying,

'I love you too.'

I saw the smile creep across his face before our lips met.

[[[all of your flaws]]] [[[part i]]]Where stories live. Discover now