Bughead: Recovery

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this is basically before betty finds out jughead is in the hospital in episode 2x22

Betty's POV:
After tonight's events, I just wanted to go to bed, and forget about everything. Jughead's call earlier made me confused, but I wasn't really worried, FP had it under control.

"Mom?" I said on the steps.

"Yes, Betty?" my mom said, coming around the corner.

"I'm going to bed." I said, she smiled, it was obviously a fake smile. I came down the steps and hugged her. A long hug. All of a sudden, my phone rang. It was FP. I pulled away from my mom and answered it.

"Hey FP, is jughead okay? Is he with you?" I asked him. I sat on my bed, and looked out my window.

"I found jughead, he's near the old serpent hangout, he's all bloody. He's at the edge of death." My heart stopped at the words. "he's at the edge of death." I hung up, and ran downstairs.

"Mom.. I'm on my way to see FP." I yelled to her in the kitchen.

"Okay, don't be home too late." She said. I grabbed my coat, put on my shoes, and ran out the door.

My mind was racing with so many thoughts. what happened to jug? Is he going to be okay? Will he survive? Tears stung my eyes, as I go over to Archie's. I knocked on the door frantically. He answered right away.

"Hey Betty, what's up?" He saw my tears, "Oh my god betty.. is Jughead okay?" I shook my head no, and he quickly grabbed his shoes, and we ran to his dads truck.

When we got there, the serpents were there, Cheryl, Sweet Pea, Toni, and Fp. I then saw FP creep out of the woods, with Jughead's limp body. His body was stained with blood. His arm, was cut, a deep cut, that would take months to heal. I grabbed onto Archie's arm in fear. We all stood there in shock.

We helped Fp get jughead into Archie's truck, and Fp stayed in the back with jughead, and Archie and I were in the front. Fp reached up and rubbed my shoulder.

"He's going to be just fine, Betty. He's a fighter. He doesn't give up." I smiled at that. Jughead never gives up. He never gives up on the serpents, his family, his friends, even me. I don't know what I would do without him.

We got to the hospital and they quickly brought Jughead in. I sat in the waiting room with Fp and Archie. After an hour of waiting, Archie's dad, Fred, showed up to take him home. Archie tried to fight with his dad because he wanted to stay, but he lost the fight.

"I'll text you as soon as I know something, Arch." I said half smiling.

In the waiting room, Fp and I talked about school, and other things like that. He never brought up my dad which was nice, because everyone here was looking at me. Fp sometimes stared at them back for me. After a while, Fp was allowed to go in.

After 2 hours, Jughead woke up when Fp was in his room. When fp came out, I walked into jughead's room.

"Hey juliet." he said, weakly. I smiled at the old nickname. I went over and pulled him into a hug. I then laid next to him, and placed my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry about your dad, Betty. I wasn't there to help you, or protect you." he said in a soft tone. I sat up and gently held his hand.

"You're here now, Jug, and that's all I need." I smiled, and so did he.

"But, I was so busy with the serpents that I didn't even think about the worst." he replied with guilt.

"No one expected my dad to be the black hood. But it's fine. I'm going to get through this. Just like my mom and Polly will too." I sighed. He looked at me, and sadly smiled. I leaned down and kissed his cheek, then snuggled back up to his chest.

2 days later

Jughead was finally out of the hospital. I came over everyday,to keep Jughead company. We would watch movies most of the time.

"Betts?" Jughead asked during one of the Hunger Games movie.

"Yes?" I replied.

"When are you going back to school?" he asked.

I sighed, "I wish the answer could be never."

He sighed and said, "I want you to go back to school. It's for the best."

"My dad shot moose, and killed Midge.. how am I supposed to show my face there?" I said, a tear rolled down my face, he wiped it away with his thumb.

"But you didn't do it. Your father did. You.. Betty Cooper, are innocent. You did nothing wrong. It was all your father. You can't blame yourself for your fathers actions."

I smiled and kissed his cheek, "I'll go back to school tomorrow for you, Juggie."

He smiled, "Okay, Betts, thank you." He kissed my forehead, and we turned our attention back to the TV.

Hi! If this is your first story of mine that you're reading.. hi! this story is bughead has sprousehart one shots. i started off with bughead, but once i get more reads, and time to make another chapter, i'll make a sprousehart oneshot!

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