Bughead: G&G

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this was suggested by floralemi thanks for suggesting :)

Prompt: Betty starts playing G&G and starts acting really weird and Jughead tries to get her back to normal.

btw, in this oneshot, jughead has not played G&G.

Jughead sighs as he looks at his phone before slamming his locker. People stared at him with their eyebrows pressed together from being confused. Some people just laughed at him. He shrugged it off, he honestly didn't care about what other people thought of him. He was more worried about Betty.

Betty has been blowing off all their plans recently. It was friday, and Jughead invited her over so they could watch movies together and just talk. But, he just got the text that Betty couldn't hang out tonight; just like she couldn't last week and the week before that.

He was getting upset about the fact that she would rather be playing Gryphons and Gargoyles than hang out with him.

He put on his headphones and walked home to the trailer. He had to do something, to help her with this.

Betty sat in the bunker with Kevin and Veronica. They all started playing G&G two weeks ago, and they were playing just for fun, but it turned into a competition.

Whenever they reached a new level they bragged about it in each other's faces. Why? They didn't really know. But Jughead had done some investigating and found out that game is like a brain washer. G&G pulls you in like a current in the ocean. Sucking you in till something bad happens.

Betty pulls a game quest card, then Kevin, then Veronica. This goes on and on; for hours and hours and hours.

Jughead climbs down the steps and jumps down, facing the dark hallway to the main room of the bunker. He pauses when he sees Betty, Veronica, and Kevin all playing G&G.

"So, this is what you cancel our plans for?" Jughead asks, sadly. This is part of his plan. To act all sad to see Betty's reaction.

Veronica and Kevin stand up and walk past him. Jughead thought it was because they didn't want him seeing that they were playing G&G.

Betty turns around in her seat and sighs at the sad look on Jughead's face, "God, I'm sorry," she starts, turning back around to face the table, and hiding her face in her hands, "This game is just..." she tries to think of the word.

"Addicting." Jughead finishes her sentence, pulling a chair next to her for him to sit.

Betty nods and Jughead holds his breath, tapping the table with his fingers.

"I hate this game, but I can't stop playing it, Jug." she says, "I sucked myself into it."

"Why don't you hang out with me, and I will do everything I can to get you to stop playing this game." He says, putting all the game pieces into the box and holding it.

Betty nods, "My mom is gone at the farm for a week."

Jughead smiles, "Perfect. You can stay with my dad and I. You'll be with the Serpents too, so you'll have more friends."

Betty smiles and puts her head on his shoulder, "So what are you going to do with that?" she asks, talking about the game in Jughead's hands.

"I'm gonna burn it." Jughead says. Betty laughs into his chest.

"No, Betts, I'm serious." he says again. Betty nods into his chest.

They walk to his trailer, hand in hand, and they are greeted by Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Toni.

"Hey guys." Jughead says as Betty's hugging his arm.

"Hey." they say in return. Betty yawns and Jughead whispers into Sweet Pea's ear, "I'll explain why this is in my hand," Jughead say, talking about the board game.

Sweet Pea nods, and Jughead and Betty head to the trailer. Fp wasn't surprised when Jughead opened the door and he saw Betty with him. Jughead had called him, telling him about Betty and the game.

"Hi Fp." Betty smiled tiredly at Fp, still clutching onto Jughead's arm.

"Hi Betty. Get some sleep. You guys can sleep in my bed." Fp starts, "I trust you guys." He says.

Betty deliriously laughs into Jughead's arm, and Jughead rolls his eyes at him dad and mouths a 'thank you.'

Betty sits on the bed waiting for Jughead to come out of the bathroom. She was wearing his t-shirt and some shorts he had in his closet. She traced the designs on the bed sheets with her finger.

Jughead walks out of the bathroom and sits down next to Betty. She climbs into his lap and hides her face into his neck.

"I'm really sorry I canceled our plans, Juggie." she whispered, tracing the lines on his palms.

Jughead sighed, "It's okay. Everything is going to be okay. You're gonna be with me for a week and we're gonna do a lot of things to keep your mind off of playing G&G, okay?"

Betty nods into his neck, and Jughead picks her up, bridal style, and puts her under the covers. He climbs into bed next to her, shutting off the light on the nightstand next to him. Betty instantly hid her face into Jughead's chest, and Jughead kissed her hair.

"I haven't been able to sleep Jug, because of the game. I've been up with Kevin and Veronica all night, playing the game constantly." She says sadly, her head still on Jughead's chest but now she was looking up at him.

"You're gonna sleep now, because one, you're with me, and two, we are working on never playing that game again." he says, playing with her hair trying to calm her through and urges to play the game.

She smiles into his chest and quickly fell asleep in the comforting arms of Jughead.

It took Betty the whole week of hanging out with Jughead to get rid of the urge of wanting to play the addicting game. Jughead was proud of Betty and they went back to hanging out every friday night, just like always.

thank you so much for 12k!! omg x

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