bughead: "you need to tell me what's wrong, betts."

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this was suggested by @jugheadxXsalvatore
thank you for the suggestion !

Betty has been getting bullied for a week now by Cheryl. She would body shame her, tell her how ugly she was, etc. She decided not to tell anyone. She was too embarrassed to tell anyone. She also didn't want anyone to know because then they would confront Cheryl; and Betty thought that would make the situation worse.

So, it was Tuesday morning. Betty was sitting in her science class writing notes down, staring sadly at the board. She couldn't get what Cheryl said to her out of her head. She was also miserable because she hasn't ate in three days.

Jughead began to notice how sad she was, but he decided not to ask her because he was afraid she would get mad at him.

He watched her in science. How her happy, glowing face was now gloomy constantly. How her body slumped miserably in the chair she was sitting in. It concerned him.

"Betty?" Jughead whispered.

"What?" she sighed, still looking at her notes.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly, wishing she won't get mad at him.

"I'm fine." she mumbled, turning her attention back to the front board. Jughead did as well, but he was not convinced.


It was finally lunch time; Jughead's favorite time of the day. Not only did he get to eat, but he gets to see all of his friends too.

He sat down at their usual table with his lunch tray next to Betty. He noticed she was just reading a book with no food in front of her.

"Why aren't you eating?" he whispered.

"I'm not hungry, I had a big breakfast." she replied quietly.

"You need to tell me what's wrong, Betts. There's obviously something wrong. You can tell me." Jughead stated, using his voice a little higher.

By now all the other conversations at the table stopped, focusing on the couple. Betty's lip trembled and her eyes started to water. She grabbed her book bag and walked out of the lunchroom.

Jughead sighed, grabbing his book bag to try to follow her, till Kevin pulled his arm, "Just give her some time to cool down."

Meanwhile, Betty speed walked down the hallway towards the blue and gold. She was crying by now, wiping her tears occasionally, but she got used to just crying freely now.

She was stopped by someone pulling her arm and turning her around. It was Cheryl.

"Aw, why are you crying?" Cheryl teased, holding on to Betty's wrist. Betty didn't move or make a sound; she just stared off into space.

"Is it because no one likes you?" Cheryl asked, tightening her fingers around Betty's wrist. Betty tried to walk away, but Cheryl pulled her back, "See you in gym." She smirked and walked away, flipping her hair.


After gym, everyone was in the locker room changing. Betty decided to change where no one could see her. Ever since Cheryl called her fat, Betty hates anyone else seeing her body.

As she was pulling on her jeans, Cheryl poked her head around the corner of the locker, "Oh my goodness! Look who it is!" She exclaimed, moving in front of Betty.

"Looky here girls," Cheryl laughed, "Miss Betty too uncomfortable to change in front of everyone else." The girls behind Cheryl started to laugh, "Just take my advice sweetie, don't eat and you won't be as fat." Cheryl patted Betty on the shoulder before leaving the locker room.

Now that Betty was all alone, she started to sob uncontrollably. She couldn't take Cheryl anymore.

She decided to sit in the locker room all day by herself. There were no more gym classes for the rest of the day, so it worked out.

"Cheryl, have you seen Betty?" Jughead asked at the end of the day. He hadn't seen Betty since lunch, and she wasn't in their Language Arts class.

"Last time I saw her was in gym, hobo." Cheryl replied, rolling her eyes.

Jughead went down the gym hallway and knocked onto the girls locker room door.

He didn't hear anyone in there, so he walked in.

"Betty?" he called out into the locker room. He heard silent sobs coming from the corner of the locker room. He followed them till he was met with Betty. She was sitting on the floor, head in her knees that were brought up to her chest.

"Betts." he breathed out, taking her figure into his lap, "What happened?"

She hid her face in his neck, holding on to him tightly.

He started to rub her back, "It's okay. Calm down and then tell me."

About five minutes later, Betty finally told Jughead about Cheryl. He shook his head sadly, "Cheryl is just jealous that she isn't as beautiful as you are." he said softly, "I promise you she won't do this ever again to you. And if they do, you come to me. But, we should tell someone." Jughead suggested.

She shook her head no, "Not right now. Maybe she will finally stop soon."

"Okay, whenever you're ready. But please promise me you'll start eating again."

Betty nodded, "I promise."

About a week later, Betty was finally back to normal. She was eating again, smiling, and socializing once again. It made Jughead the happiest man on earth once again.

That night he found out he told off Cheryl and she finally said she would stop, and she did.

Betty just thought that she just decided to stop bulling her, but Jughead was the one who stopped Cheryl. But for him, he didn't need her to know. She was finally happy and that made him happy.

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