Sprousehart: In Love Again

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This was suggested by sprousehart_lovers thanks for the suggestion!

Prompt: Lili and Cole are broken up, and two years later they see each other.

Lili walked down the rainy streets of Vancouver. It's been 2 years after the ending on Riverdale, and two years since Cole broke up with her. Lili decided to stay in Vancouver for a little.

As she walked through the streets of Vancouver, she walked by all the places she and Cole had dates.

To be honest, Lili keeps telling herself that she's over him, and that she can find someone else that makes her happy.

She sighed and sat down on the wet curb, and put her umbrella down. Her and Cole's memorizes kept coming into her head and she finally realized that she wasn't over him. She started to cry on the gloomy, rainy streets of Vancouver. She had held it in these two years, but all the memorizes flooded her mind and she couldn't handle holding it anymore.

The pain flooded her. Her hair absorbed the rain as it poured onto her. Did she care? No, because it was covering up her tears. She liked how the rain felt on her. She couldn't say why, but she just did.

A sudden voice snapped her out of the memorizes, "Miss? What are you doing in the rain?"

Lili looked up and saw the one person that she never thought she'd see again. She quickly got off the curb and stood in front of him.

Cole rubbed his neck, "Oh, uh, hey." he said awkwardly.

"Hey." she whispered, avoiding to make eye contact because it would just make her want to kiss him.

"How are you?" he asked.

Lili swallowed the lump in her throat, "I'm... fine. Why are you in Vancouver?" She asked, still looking over at the side.

"I'm visiting Charles." he replies.

"Oh.. okay. Have fun." Lili replied.

Just seeing him for the first time in two years made her remember the whole break up all over again.

"Cole?" Lili called from the kitchen. It was the night of the day they finished filming their last season of Riverdale.

Lili walked into their living room and saw Cole on the couch, looking in his lap.

She sat down next to him and touched his cheek lightly, "Hey, you okay?" she asked.

He kept looking at his lap, not answering Lili.

"Cole, what's going on?" she asked him.

He sighed, "I'm really sorry."

Lili chuckled softly, "For what?"

"For this." he replied. Lili raised her eyebrows and he grabbed her hand softly, "I'm really sorry, but I can't stay in this relationship anymore."

Lili's heart dropped, and tears ran down her cheeks, "Honey, why?" she asked.

Cole sighed, "I- I don't." he started.

"You don't love me anymore?" Lili interrupted.

"No, no. It's not that, it's just- I don't really know. I need to do this I guess." he replied.

Lili pulled her hand out of his grasp, "So have you just been waiting." she starts, "waiting for the end of Riverdale to finally break up with me?" she asks.

He slowly nods, "I don't know what it is. I still love you. I won't ever stop loving you."

Lili just stands up, "I'm going over to Cami's. I'll see you tomorrow night."

But the thing is, Lili never got to see him again, well till now of course. She got home that night and he wasn't there, but a note was. It said "I'm sorry to end it this way. -Cole."

After thinking about the breakup, Lili finally decided to ask him, "Why did you leave? When I told you we could talk tomorrow?"

"I don't know. I was stupid, okay? I'm not really sure why, so don't ask any questions, because I'm not sure myself." he said.

That shut Lili up for sure.

"I didn't mean it rude, I'm sorry it came out that way." Cole said softly.

Lili just nodded and then thunder struck. "My car is right down the street, I can't let you walk home in this." He says and Lili nods again.

They run to his car, in the rain, and they finally find it. They get inside and they're both out of breath.

"Same apartment." Lili says and Cole knows exactly where to go.

The drive was silent, but Lili had a smile on her face the whole time. This reminded her of the old times. She wished it could just go back to those times.

He pulls up to the apartment, "You can come in for a little, till the storm passes." Lili says, just as an excuse to make him come inside.

Cole nods and they go to her apartment. Lili unlocks the door and they come inside.

Cole sighs, being overwhelmed with memories, "It's still the same." he says, dragging his finger along the couch.

"Yeah, some of your stuff is still here too if you want it back." Lili says, putting down her bag on the kitchen table.

Cole chuckles, "I thought you would've thrown that away."

Lili slowly walks to him, "Why would I do that? I wasn't the one who broke up with you..."

Cole sighs.

"I never stopped loving you, Cole." she says, out of the blue.

They lock eyes and Cole comes closer to her, "Me either. I'm so sorry, for what I did." he says, guilty.

Lili smiles with a nod, and Cole can't take it anymore, so, he kissed her.

She smiled against his mouth and kissed him back.

It felt like everything was back in place. They were meant to be.

this was horrible i'm so sorry :(

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