bughead: murderous town part 2

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part two of "Murderous Town"

Trigger Warning: Murders, deaths, blood

Betty's POV:

I ran down the sidewalk towards Jughead's house in my pajamas. I didn't know what to think. All I wanted to know is that he is okay.

When I turned onto his street, my heart sunk into my stomach. An ambulance and cop cars were out front of his house. Neighbors swarming around, trying to see who was hurt.

I pushed through the crowd, went under the police tape and found Fp crying on the porch.

"Mr. Jones." I breathed out, looking around him, "Is he hurt?"

Fp wiped his tears, "He's fine. It's Jellybean." he looked down at the ground.

I covered my mouth with my hand, my eyes filling up with tears. I slowly walked inside the house, looking around carefully for Jug.

"Juggie?" I called out. I heard banging and screaming coming from upstairs. I rushed up there and opened the door to Jughead's room.

There he was throwing anything he could find, screaming off of the top of his lungs, tearing his room apart.

"Jug!" I yelled. He stopped and turned towards the door.

"That fucking should've been me." he whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks, "I should be fucking dead right now!" He screamed, throwing a book across the room, breaking a mirror.

"Juggie." I whispered, taking his hands into mine, "Baby, I know you're hurting but you need to stay calm right now." He nodded in agreement, meeting my eyes as his filled up with tears again.

"I'm so sorry. I don't want you to see me like that ever again." He whispered, ashamed of himself.

I put my hands gently on his neck, "You don't need to hide your feelings from me." I assured, "Now lay down, get some sleep."

He nodded once again, wiping his tears, and laying down, falling asleep quickly.

I cleaned up his room and most of his house; I didn't want Fp or him to worry about it tomorrow.

I sat down next to him in his bed, moving some hair out of his eyes. I'm surprised he was even sleeping. If what happened to him happened to me, I wouldn't be able to sleep for weeks.

I laid down next to him and kissed his cheek, making him wake up.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I whispered, turning towards him.

"It's fine, I'm probably just gonna stay up now, I haven't really slept at all tonight. It's been on and off." He explained. He looked around his room seeing that I cleaned. "Thank you so much." he said, pulling me into a hug.

I hugged him back. I didn't really care about how sleep deprived I felt at that moment. It just mattered to me that we were safe.


The next couple of weeks, Jughead and I worked on the investigation, still trying to find out clues about what's going on.

We looked in his house and saw that the lock on one of the windows was broken. That's how the person got in. Jughead was pretty torn up about it. He blamed himself for not being there when that happened.


It was now February 3rd. I'm sitting on my bed, reading a book. Occasionally texting Jughead to check up on him.

I was alone in my house which made me a little scared with everything that was going on. It didn't really matter to me that "the death date" was the 30th. He could get anyone at any day he wanted to.

It still bothered me that we couldn't figure out who was doing this. We have two suspects; Hiram and Penny.

Hiram because he has a criminal record and just reportedly broke out of prison when the attacks started and is still missing to this day.

Penny because she has been know for violence and has worked with Hiram and his shady business before.

I decided to finally go to bed, to clear my mind off of the investigation.

Little did I know someone was standing behind me, and they knocked me out cold.

Someone also did the same to Jughead at the same time: 11:46 pm.



part three will be up soon; hopefully this week. that most likely will be the final chapter but if the storyline doesn't fit in the third part i will make a fourth part :)

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