Bughead: "Are you cheating on me?"

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hey guys :) sorry i haven't posted a lot recently. i have testing at school right now and sports after school so i'm busy most nights! enjoy this chapter suggested by covper  also thanks for 75k❤️❤️

"Do you have to go to Southside High?" Betty asked, her lips pouting, "I feel better if you were staying in Riverdale High." Betty hated seeing Jughead transfer to Southside High. Where drugs are everywhere and gangs roam the halls. But she also liked having Jughead at school with her. She feels more safe and happy when he's always around her.

Jughead kissed her forehead, "I'll be fine. I promise. I'll come to your house everyday after school, or we can meet up at Pops if you want. It's not like I'm leaving you forever."

Betty sadly nodded, "Okay. You promise me you'll stay safe?" she asked, holding out her pinky.

Jughead chuckled and wrapped his pinky around hers, "I promise. I love you." he smiled at her, leaving Riverdale High, and Betty behind at the doors.

That next week, Betty was upset to not have heard from Jughead, but she was also worried. She had called him multiple times, all the calls straight to voicemail. So, she texted him and said:

Betty: Goodnight Jug. I hope you had a good first week! Call me when you can and tell me when we can meet up soon. I love you.

She put her phone down on her nightstand and quickly fell asleep.

Betty woke up the next morning to a nice, sunny Saturday morning. She yawned and grabbed her phone, expecting a text from Jughead. There was nothing. She sighed and remembered what he said before he left. It's not like I'm leaving you forever.

Betty thought it felt like that though. Or maybe she was being an annoying girlfriend by wanting him to answer right away. Her mind scattered all these thoughts around. Till she came to the conclusion that she wasn't being "to attached." She is just worried about him going to a new school with a bad history. So why wasn't he answering her?

Later that day at Pops, Betty called Jughead again and she was left with nothing once again. She sighed and continuing eating her food again.

She slumped into the booth, looking outside into the parking lot. Her face cheered up when she saw a familiar beanie wearing boy make his way to the diner.

Jughead walked up to the counter to get his food, and he left, without seeing Betty.

Betty caught up to him outside and grabbed his arm, "Hey." she whispered.

Jughead turned around and smiled, "Hey."

Betty awkwardly rubbed her arm, "I've been calling and texting. Why aren't you answering?"

Jughead sighed, "I've been.... busy."

"Doing what?"

"Nothing." he instantly replied. Betty raised her eyebrows and he smiled at her, "I'll see you later, okay?"

"We haven't talked all week and now your running off again? You never answer any of my calls or texts anymore, Jug. So how do I know you are going to 'see me later?'" she asked.

"Listen, Betty. I'm sorry. I know you might not like it but I'm trying to make friends at Southside High. And I met someone. Her names Toni. She showed me around, helps me catch up with the book we're reading in English, so I've been hanging out with her."

Betty looked down, "Oh."

Jughead used his pointer finger to lift her head up, looking him in the eyes, "I promise I'll try to text you tonight, okay?" 

"Okay." she replied, still believing he will keep his promise.

He walked off down the streets towards his trailer in Southside, leaving Betty once again, this time at the doors of Pops.

That night, Betty never heard from Jughead. She was getting sick of waiting for something, and she was also tired. She decided to just show up at his house and to tell him how she feels tomorrow.

The next day, Betty shows up with a bag of Pops at Jughead's front door. She knocked three times, waiting for an answer. She heard laughs from inside, so she knocked again. This time the laughter stopped, and Jughead opened the door.

"Oh hey, Betty." he said, leaning against the door.

"Who's there, Jones?" A girl asked from inside. Then, the girl came into view. She was absolutely gorgeous. Betty instantly became jealous, wondering why she was over.

"I'm Toni." Toni introduced herself, holding out her hand. Betty took her hand and they shook their hands, "I'm Betty."

"Come inside, Betts." Jughead opened the door wider as she stepped inside.

"Jug, can I speak to you for a second?" Betty asked, looking over at Toni, "Alone?"

Jughead nodded, and they went into the kitchen, "What's up?"

Betty took a deep breath in and sighed, "Are you cheating on me?" she asked quickly.

"What did you say? You said it too fast." Jughead chuckled.

"Are you cheating on me?" Betty whispered.

Jughead sighed, "I would never do that to you, Betts. You know me well enough to know I wouldn't do that."

Betty stood shyly, "You're just never answering my texts and you're always with her."

Jughead chuckled, "Oh, Betty. Toni has a girlfriend."

Betty's eyes widened, "Wait what? That means I've been jealous for no reason this whole time?"

"Yes." Jughead replied, pulling her into a hug, "I love you. I'm sorry I haven't been answering. I promise I'll be better. Going to different schools will be tough, but you aren't going to loose me, okay?"

Betty smiled and they both joined Toni in the living room. They all bonded over writing, the TV show in front of their eyes, etc.


this was rlly bad. but i'm half asleep and i needed to updated !! :)

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