Sprousehart: Only You

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this was suggested by @wendyguardiansofgf
ty for the suggestion!!!

Tonight was another party for Five Feet Apart for coming out in theaters. Cole told Lili to come to LA with him for a week, and to come to the party as his date.

She of course went with him. She knew how much this movie meant to him; plus, she was proud of him.

And now they're here. In a hotel in LA, getting ready for the party. They were both very excited.

"It's just going to be for a couple hours. We can leave whenever you want to." Cole said as he buttoned up the buttons on his shirt.

"We are leaving when you are ready to go." Lili smiled at him.

The party was just a cast party. Nothing big with no paparazzi. Just a casual get together. So, they both dressed comfortable. Cole in jeans and a white button up shirt. Lili in white ripped jeans, and a blue top.

"You look beautiful." he complimented.

"And you look handsome." She pecked his cheek and grabbed her keys, "Let's go before we're late."

"Don't drink too much." Lili whispered as they walked in. He rolled his eyes playfully and kissed her cheek.

"Cole!" Everyone yelled once they walked into the living room of Haley's house.

"Hey guys." He greeted, grabbing a water bottle for the both of them. He handed it to her and she thanked him. They sat down on the couch next to each other and she went on her phone.

"You're not drinking, Cole?" Haley asked.

Cole shook his head no, "Not tonight." he replied taking a sip of his water.

"C'mon you're so funny drunk." Haley said, making Lili raise her eyebrows.

Cole ignored her and turned his attention to Lili, "You okay?" he asked, making sure she was comfortable.

"Yeah. Go have fun, I'll be here." She smiled at him, and he kissed her cheek and left his spot on the couch.

While Cole was hanging out with his friends, Lili was talking to some people from the cast.

Lili excused herself from the conversation to find Cole. What she found made her heart stop.

Haley and Cole were kissing.

She quickly turned around, tears already stinging her eyes. She grabbed her purse from the couch and Cole ran after her.

"Lil, it's not what it looks like." He said once they got outside.

"Oh. It's what it looks like." She said, tears streaming down her face, her breathing really fast.

"Lils," he said, sitting down next to her, "Calm down." he said, rubbing her back softly.

Lili moves away from him, "Get away from me.."

"Lili, did you not see how many tequilas Haley had? She's drunk. I swear to you. I love you so much. I would never do anything like that to hurt you. Please believe me." he pleaded.

Lili nodded. She just didn't want the drama, plus she believed him.

Cole came over to her and wrapped her into a hug, calming her.

"I love you too much, okay? I love you. Not her."

Lili nodded and they made their way to their apartment.

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