Bughead: Protective Jughead

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this was suggested by @riverdaleislife4me
thank you for the suggestion!

Jughead's POV:

"Things are getting bad, Betty. The Ghoulies are sending threats and I can't control them till I give them what they want." I explained to Betty.

Betty started to rub my back softly, "Hey, it's going to be okay. Just talk to the Serpents and figure this out together, okay?" she calmed me down instantly. She put her head on my shoulder and I rested my head on top of hers.

"What do they want from you?" she asked suddenly.

"Money. And the south side, which I definitely can't give to them." I told her. She nodded and bit her lip. This meant she was trying to figure out something to help me.

"Betts, just stay out of this." I said softly, "I can't let you get hurt."

Betty sighed, "But I cant let you get hurt either." she whispered.

I smiled, "I got this, I promise you."

Day after day, things got worse and worse. So, Jughead decided to confront Tallboy. I wasn't going to hide under the Serpents protection anymore. I was going to fight my part of the fight for the Serpents.

So, I decided to walk up to where they have been staying.

"Ah. Jughead Jones. Been getting our threats huh?" Penny asked, walking up to me.

"Yeah I have. And I'm pretty pissed. So why don't you stop."

She started to laugh, "We need the South Side for you to stop."

I scoffed, "You know I can't do that, Penny."

Just then, Tallboy appeared, "Ooh. What do we have here?"

"Tallboy." I said, gritting my teeth.

"You know what's funny with all the threats?" he asked me.

"What? What's so funny?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Well, soon, your girlfriend will get them too," he started, "And they will be much worse, much much worse than what you are getting now."

I ran over to him and got right into his face, "You wouldn't dare." I spat.

"Oh yeah. I would."

I rolled my eyes and walked away. I needed to get to Betty, to make sure she's okay.

I rushed up to her door, which was unlocked. "God damnit." I whispered under my breath. 

I ran up the stairs quickly, my heart beating out of my chest, and opened her bedroom door slowly.

There she was on her bed. Either passed out by someone hurting her, or actually sleeping.

I walked over to her, "Betty." I whispered, shaking her.

She opened her eyes slowly, "Jug?" she asked in a rough voice.

I breathed out in relief, "Thank god you're okay. Why was your door unlocked?"

She sat up, "I guess I forgot to lock it. I didn't mean to fall asleep, I was just tired. Why?"

I sighed, "Tallboy and the Ghoulies said they would start to threaten you, and I got scared that they already did something. I can't let them hurt you."

"Jug. I'm okay. If it will make you feel better, you can stay the night. It looks like you haven't gotten any rest in a while. I'll make dinner and we can watch movies. My parents are out for the weekend, so you can stay for two nights, okay?"

I nodded, "Sounds good."

For the rest of the night, we hung out, ate, and watched lots of movies.

We both started to get tired, so we got changed and laid in her bed.

"I love you." I whispered to her.

"I love you more." she replied, before falling into a deep sleep.

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