bughead: murderous town part 3

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Sorry for taking so long to finish this. I really needed to think about how I wanted to end this because the original ending didn't seem good.

Betty's POV:

"Wake up." Someone said. I woke up with a pain in my head. My arms tied together behind the chair I was sitting in, and my feet tied to the legs of the chair.

"Good. Now I can explain." The voice sighed, moving behind me.

"Where am I? Who are you?" I asked, trying to turn to see who the person was.

"Move one more inch and you're dead." They warned. I stopped moving.

"I'm the killer. The one you and you're boyfriend have been trying to catch."

My breath hitched in my throat, fear coming within my body.

"Why?" I whispered, tears running down my cheeks.

"Why not? I mean, there is a reason." She stopped, taking steps behind me and playing with my ponytail, "All of this was kind of "revenge." She stated, "Most of your parents bullied me; made my life miserable. So, I decided to now make their's horrible."

"By killing their kids? Do you know how much pain you've costed everyone? Do you know how much fear everyone was in?" I cried.

"Revenge. Sweet, sweet revenge." She chuckled. She came around the chair and wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"You and Jughead have been on my back since the first murder." She explained. "So, I set up cameras and microphones in your rooms. You guys finally caught onto me last night, when I hit you both."

When she said both my heart dropped, "Where's Jughead? Where is he?" I screamed, trying to break myself out of the chair.

"Bring him in!" She yelled. A man came in with the same black mask on as the girl. He pulled Jughead into the room.

His face was all bloody, his lip was busted open, and he had bruises all over his face and neck. The man brought him closer, but still stayed the distance.

Jughead didn't move once unless it was to walk. I could see the pain in his eyes. He leaned down and coughed up blood. He turned back to look at me and didn't say anything.

"Wh- why did you do that to him?"

"Because he deserved it. Both of your parents did the harshest bullying towards me."

"And you're next." the man said, coming closer to me.

"No!" I screamed. My heart raced, watching as the man came closer to me. I still didn't know who these people were.

"Wait." the girl said, "Let her try to guess who I am, and if you don't guess correctly, than you will be beat, just like Jughead."

I took a deep breath, recollecting my thoughts, "Okay. Here I go."

Jughead's POV:

It was impossible to move. I stood there in pain, watching Betty try to figure out who it was. I know who it is. She told me after the other guy started beating me.

She sat there, and then stared into my eyes. It was almost as a look of "I got this." and I believed in her.

"You're Penelope. And that's my dad." Betty concluded, looking as they took of their masks and she finally saw their faces.

She sighed, "I can't believe you beat him. My own boyfriend. And I thought you "hurt Penelope" the most?"

"We made up and are currently engaged." Hal said, turning to Penelope.

She was trying to keep them continue their story. What they didn't know was that I had my phone. I shared my location with my dad and told him to come prepared and with guns.

After I sent the text, a while later I started to hear many sirens. Betty turned to look over at me with tears in her eyes.

Hal jumped, hearing the sirens get louder. He reached in his back pocket and pulled out a gun, holding it on Betty.

"No one move!" He yelled, keeping it on Betty.

I jumped out in front of her, feeling the impact of a bullet in my stomach.

Betty started screaming. She screamed so loud. My dad came running in, coming over to me with and calling over the paramedics.

I was in shock, I couldn't move. I had no emotion. I laid on the floor, feeling myself being pulled up into a stretcher, till everything went blank. Betty's sobs echoing through my head.

Memories. Memories clouded my brain. Memories from when I was a kid, when Jellybean was born, when Betty and I first started dating, when my dad finally got clean, and when this whole "murder game" happened.

That's all I see. I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I just saw memories in my head. Some happy, some sad.

I could feel and hear people around me. I could hear Betty's cries. She hasn't gone to school. My dad has forced her to go but she said she isn't leaving my side. Her warm hand held mine. I was forever wishing I could squeeze her hand; just to let her know I'm here, but not physically.

It was one day when I heard something so heartbreaking.

"What if he doesn't wake up?" Betty sobbed, brushing her thumb over my knuckles, "What if I never see him again? I can't live like that Fp." She said. I heard my dad start crying too.

I needed them to know I was okay. I needed them to see I was alive.

I used all my strength and I was able to tap my finger. Betty gasped.

"Fp look!" she cried, "Do it again, Juggie. I know you can do it."

And so I did it again. I waited till they got the doctors and I did it again. They told me that I was finally regaining strength from the trauma. Another couple days and I'll be awake. 

Throughout those days I was able to move other body parts.

And then I finally opened my eyes. I remembered everything that had happened. How my whole body was beaten, not just my face. I remember getting shot in the stomach. I remember waking up from each surgery for at least 3 minutes, and then passing out again.

I smiled at them, "What'd I miss?" I said, jokingly.

A couples months later, everything was back to normal. Everyone was safe. Hal and Penelope are in jail for the rest of their lives and I am finally healed from the trauma.

Betty and I are more happier than ever, finally feeling safe in each other's arms.

I am so sorry that this ending is horrible. I started this series and never thought of an ending so I threw this together. I hope you understand and that's an ending to murderous town.

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