Sprousehart: Weekend

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this was suggested by @bugheads_kid thanks for the suggestion! :)

Lili and Cole were sitting on their couch in their apartment watching a movie. This was normal night for them. Till Dylan called Cole.

"Hey." Cole answered.

"Hey you up for a weekend in LA with us?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah I'm down." Cole replied. They both said bye and Cole hung up.

"Pack your bags, we're going to LA tomorrow." Cole told Lili, and he got up.

Lili sat up, "We didn't even buy the plane tickets?" Lili questioned.

"Dylan already got them."

Lili chuckled, "What if we couldn't come down?" she asked.

"So many questions, Lil. Just go with the flow, babe." Cole teased.

She smiled and they both packed their bags with enough clothes for the weekend away.


"DYLAN!" Cole yelled as Dylan opened the door for them.

"God shut up before I kick you out, but Lili is always welcome to stay here." Dylan replied, hugging Cole.

"Yeah let's kick him out I need a break from
him." Lili joked, giving Dylan a hug.

Barbara appeared behind Dylan and hugged Lili then Cole.

"It's nice to see you guys again." Dylan said as they sat down on the couch.

Cole put his arm around Lili, "Yeah it is."

They talked for the rest of the night and at dinner, Dylan brought up going to a bar.

"I'm down." Cole said. Cole looked at Lili and they stared at each other and started laughing.

Dylan and Barbara looked at the couple confused, "What?" they asked.

"Last time we went to a bar we were drunk out of our minds and Lili thought she saw a giraffe and then I saw it too and then we just talked about random shit that I don't even remember. We both had really bad headaches all day." Cole laughed, earning laughs from everybody else.

"Yeah well that's not gonna happen this time." Lili said and everyone nodded in agree.

But it happened.

Cole and Dylan got really drunk and Barbara and Lili were just laughing the whole time.


i'm sorry this is short and it sucks. but i'll post later today to make up for this!

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