Bughead: Not Her

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Jughead's POV:
"Heard your little girlfriend is a serpent now, Betty... Cooper?"

Penny Peabody's words haunted me over and over again. Riverdale was crazy enough already, I don't need the love of my life a target now. Here we are, in Dilton Dollies bunker. Betty was asleep, peacefully, on my chest. I was holding her, wondering what Penny would even do. I immediately stopped, scaring myself thinking of Betty getting hurt. I played with her hair till I fell asleep.

Betty's POV:
It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the fall, cool air was finally coming back. I woke up before Jug and got dressed and put my hair up in my usual ponytail. When I was done, I sat in the tunnel and wrote in my journal. Thinking of theory's for the new game in Riverdale: Griffins and Gargoyles.

"Betty?" Jughead called out. He sounded worried.

"Yeah Jug?" I said, still in the tunnel.

He came around the corner and sighed in relief. I laughed, "What?" I said.

"You scared me.." he replied, walking over to me and sitting next to me.

I was confused, "Juggie.. what aren't you telling me?" I asked him. I looked him in the eyes with a sad look.

"Nothing." he replied, looking down at his hands.

I shifted so I sat in front of him, "You're lying. I know this because you never look me in the eyes when you lie. Now, tell me everything."

He sighed, "I'm just worried about you and the serpents.. Penny is after you, and you know that, and I just don't want anything to happen to you." he replied with shaky breaths.

"Juggie..." I started, "I'm fine, Nothing is gonna happen to me. It's all gonna be ok." I held his hands and smiled. He smiled back at me. 

For the rest of the day, we talked about everything we know about G and G.

"This game is much more then we know. Who can we interrogate about this?" I asked Jughead.

"I don't know, Betts." He replied.

It was late, about 11:30 am. I put my face in my hands and sighed. I felt a hand on my back and put my hands away from my head.

"Why don't we go to bed, you need rest." Jughead said while rubbing my back. I nodded and we climbed into bed. I put my head on his chest.

"Goodnight Juggie." I said.

"Goodnight, Betts." he replied rubbing my shoulder.

He finally fell asleep, about 20 minutes later. I heard his snores and gently lifted my head off him chest. He stirred a little bit, but still stayed asleep. I grabbed my shoes and put them on, and climbed up the ladder. I need to figure out more about this game.

Earlier in the week, Jughead and I ran into the Gargoyle King in the woods Dilton's bunker is in. I decided to walk around, to see if he's lurking in the woods.

I turned on my flashlight and held onto my jacket tightly. As I started walking, I thought of going back, but I kept walking.

After a while of walking, I found a rock and sat down on it. I was lost. I sighed and pulled out my phone and texted Jug.

I'll explain later... but I'm lost, can you come and find me?

I sent it and sat there on the rock. No response.

It was an hour later now... I was terrified. I had walked a little, but I think I made it worse. Then, I heard footsteps behind me. I slowly turned around to face Penny Peabody.

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