Bughead: Crash

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This was suggested by floralemi thanks for suggesting!

Prompt: Betty gets into a car crash. Betty and Jughead are 25 and they live together.

After their huge fight about how Betty has been distant, Betty got into her car on a rainy night and sat in her car.

She leaned her head on the steering wheel, and cried. She finally decided to get on the rode to drive to Veronica and Archie's house.

The rain started to pour and pour, pounding on the windows, blocking her sight. Betty could handle the storm.

It was a friday night, a guy drank too much at the bar, and decided to drive home. He saw Betty's car and slammed right into the side she was driving, knocking Betty's car on the side.

Jughead laid on their bed, thoughts running through his head. Was Betty cheating on him? After 7 years of dating? Why was she so distant?

He looked outside and watched the rain drops trickle down the window, just like the tears on his cheeks.

Jughead decided to call Betty. He wanted to tell her to come back home, and they could make things better.

It went to voicemail. He sighed and hoped she was okay, especially with this weather. He laid back down in bed and tried to fall asleep. Every time he closed his eyes, his eyes shot back open. He was worried about Betty.

His phone started to ring and he quickly turned to find it, thinking it was Betty. It was just Alice.

"Hey, is Betty with you? We got into a fight and she left. I'm really worried." Jughead said frantically.

"Jughead." Alice started, "Betty got into a car crash. She's at the hospital. A drunk driver crashed into the side of her car, flipping her over.

Jughead hung up and ran outside into the pouring rain. He got into his car and raced to the hospital.

He got inside and went straight to the front desk, "Elizabeth Cooper. How is she? Any updates?" Jughead asked, a million questions by the second.

The nurse looked at him, "What's your connection to Miss Cooper, Sir?" she asked.

"I'm her boyfriend. Please let me know something." Jughead pleads.

Just then he feels hands on his back and he turns around to see Alice.

"Alice, I- I don't know anything." Jughead says but starts to sob. Alice pulls him into a hug and he cried silently into her shoulder.

No one ever sees Jughead cry, but when it comes to Betty, he does anything to protect her, and when something bad happens to her, he breaks down. He feels like he failed.

Alice leads Jughead to the waiting room and they sit down.

"All I know is that she's going to be okay, but Jughead she has to talk to you." Alice says.

"This is all my fault. I thought she was cheating on me so I basically made her leave." Jughead says, putting his face into his palms.

"You couldn't have done anything sweetie. Things happen." Alice says, comforting him.

Just then a doctor walks out to speak to Alice and Jughead.

"Elizabeth is conscious now, but asleep." The doctor starts making Jughead a little happy, "She has a concussion and a broken wrist because of the way she landed."

The doctor continues, "And she's been asking for Jughead Jones."

Jughead stands up, "That's me." The doctor nods and leads him to Betty's room.

The doctor opens the door and shuts it behind Jughead. He walks over to Betty's bed and sees her asleep.

He turns to sit down but sees an envelope on the table beside her.

He sits down and opens it, and reads the first sentences.

Miss Cooper,
We are sorry to inform you that you have lost your baby due to the crash.

Jughead gasped at the sentence. Betty was pregnant?

We are really sorry for you to hear this. This is hard information to take in. Included in this envelope is the medical bills and how your health is. If you have any questions, see Doctor Ross.

"Jughead?" Betty whispered. Jughead wipes his tears and walked up to her, grabbing her hand.

"Hey." he says, rubbing her hand, "How are you feeling?"

"Awful. My head hurts." she replies, rubbing her forehead, "What were you reading?" she asks.

Jughead sighs, "Betty, why didn't you tell me?" he says, handing her the envelope.

She hands is back, "I've already read it." she says quietly, "And I didn't tell you because I thought you would be mad."

Jughead sighs again, "I'm not mad, I could never be mad at you. I just thought wrong."

There's a silence between the two, till Betty starts to silently cry and whispers, "I killed our baby."

"No, no. Don't think like that. Things happen. We're only 25, we still have our lives, Betts." Jughead replies, rubbing her arm.

Betty nods, moving over in her bed a little so Jughead could fit. He lays down and she puts her head on his chest. He starts to play with her hair and kisses her forehead.

this was trashy, i'm really sorryyyyy

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