bh : one week

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hey everyone! i'm going to try to write more because I have a couple weeks off from school. this was suggested by @rhythmhopeinfinity thanks for the suggestion! ps i'm very sorry this sucks. i just needed to post something since i haven't in a while!

It was finally another Friday afternoon after school and Betty called Jughead and told him she was coming to see him.

She started packing her bag. She hadn't seen Jughead since Thanksgiving and she missed him a lot. She hated having the distance between them and wanted to be able to see Jughead everyday again. But, she also liked seeing him a little happier and writing for Stonewall, so she can be okay with it sometimes.

At Stonewall Prep, Jughead started cleaning his room before Betty came over. It was a mess and he didn't want her to come over to this. A sudden opening of his door made him jump a little as he heard a little, deviant laugh come from Brett.

"Hey pal, did I scare you?" Brett chucked, patting Jughead on the back.

Jughead shrugged his hand off his back, not saying a word.

"Ponytail coming over tonight? he asked, sitting at Jughead's desk.

"Yes, actually." Jughead mumbled.

"Well on that note," Brett started, getting up from Jughead's desk and reaching into his and pulling out a tape, "Wanna take a guess on what this is?"

"A movie? I don't know." Jughead shrugged, "Listen Brett I'm on a time crunch, I don't need your stupid games."

"Actually, you might wanna listen to this. This right here," he said, pointing to the tape, "Is you and Betty having sex."

Jughead stood up right away and tried to grab it from him, "You creep! What the hell is wrong with you!"

Brett just chuckled, "If you don't want this to get leaked, then you have to break up with Betty."

"Brett- "

"Shut up. Do it once she gets here. I'll give it to you a week after you're broken up."

"You're sick." Jughead spat, turning away from him and going towards the door.

"Don't think I won't leak this. Do the right thing, Jones, Betty's reputation is in danger; same with yours."

Jughead roller his eyes and walked down the hall, getting a text from Betty.

Betty: I'm here!!!

Jughead sighed and smacked the wall, this wasn't gonna go well.

Betty grabbed her bag from her car and started walking towards the stairs in the dorms. She got to the second floor and knocked on Jughead's door.

He opened it and slightly smiled, which wasn't normal for him. She knew something was bothering him.

"Hi Jug!" she smiled, hugging him instantly.

He didn't really say anything, he just sat down on his bed.

Betty put her bag down and sat next to him, "Do you wanna talk about something?"

"Yes, actually." He paused, "This long distance thing isn't working out for me anymore."

Betty bit her lip, "Jug, I know it's hard. I promise I'll try to come more often. I've just been really busy recently with my mom."

"No, Betty. You don't get it." He spat out, "I'm trying to do this nicely, but I'm not in love with you anymore. I'm in love with Donna."

Betty stood up and started pacing back and forth in front of him, "Jug. That fast?" She didn't want to believe him. A tear dropped from her eye, and she quickly wiped it, "I mean jeez. We have been through almost everything together."

Jughead sighed, "I know. I'm sorry. I didn't want this to end this way."

"Then you should've just done it over the phone because now I came all the way up here just to get my heartbroken." Betty grabbed her bag and left without looking back.

Jughead sighed and put his hands on his face. He fucked up and hurt her so bad. She would understand after one week. One week. Hopefully nothing changes after one week.

A couple days later, Betty hadn't left her bed. Alice has tried to get her up but she just laid there all day, and mostly slept.

"Betty, sweetie. You don't wanna spend your whole spring break like this." Alice told her, trying to get her to do something.

"Actually yes I do. Veronica is hanging out with Archie and Jughead right now and they're probably with Donna." Betty turned over to the other side on her bed.

"Then why don't you go to Pops?" Alice suggested, I'll go with you."

Betty was a little hungry, so she nodded yes and got into the shower.

Jughead was living his worst nightmare. Him, Donna, Veronica, and Archie sitting at a booth at Pops.

Donna kept touching his leg and putting her head on his shoulder and he hated it. He couldn't stop thinking about Betty.

But tomorrow will be a week since he "broke up" with her. He has just been waiting to hold her again; he just hopes she still wants to get back together with him.

The familiar ding from the bell at Pops, but this time it was different.

"Betty!" Veronica yelled, waving her over. Jughead turned around and made direct eye contact with her. He saw her eyes fill up with tears as Alice put her hand on her back for support. Betty ran out the door and Jughead jumped up from the booth, running after her.

"Betty, woah woah, wait." Jughead said, grabbing her arm.

"Listen. Baby." He started.

"Don't call me baby. Your dating Donna. Are you doing the same thing you did to me to her now?"

"No, Betty please listen." Jughead pleaded.

"I'm listening." She rolled her eyes.

Jughead lowered his voice as people came by, "Remember how you thought Brett recorded us?" He asked. Betty nodded, "He blackmailed me with it and told me if I didn't break up with you for a week, he would release the tape."

Betty gasped and instantly got mad, "That son of a bitch."

Jughead chuckled, "I know, and so I went through with it because I didn't want us to be ruined by that."

"Thank you, but I wish you told me."

"I know, I was just afraid Brett would find out and release the tape." Jughead paused, "But tomorrow is a week. And trust me, tonight at midnight I'll climb through your window like our first kiss."

Betty giggled, "I love you."

"I love you." He replied.

The next day, Jughead did indeed climb through her window right at midnight. When he got back to Stonewall Prep, he made Brett hand over the tape, and he ripped it up right in front of his face.

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