Bughead: The Fire

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this was suggested by floralemi ! thank you for the suggestion :))

season 3 spoilers

Betty's POV:

I stood in the middle of my house, holding a candle.

Many thoughts rushed through my mind. I had to do this. My mom needs to learn her lesson.

She had finally sold the house, but I wasn't going to let that happen, so I decided to burn it down.

So, I then dropped the candle out in front of me. I stood there for a while, watching the fire catch pieces of the rug in front of me.

I jumped back when the flames grew onto the couch. I was surprised about how fast this was growing.

I quickly grabbed my phone from the kitchen and made my way to the door.

But it had caught up in flames. The whole wall by the door did.

I stood there, panicking and my heart racing.

The longer I stand here, more of the house will catch on fire.

Which I learned the hard way. Once I wanted to book up the stairs, I realized the ceiling above me had caught on fire as well.

I was trapped in a burning home.

I pulled my phone from my back pocket and quickly called Jughead. The smoke reached me and I started to cough. I couldn't breathe as well now.

"Hey Betty." He said, and then he heard me coughing.

"You sick?" he asked.

"Jug... call the fire department... My house is on fire and I can't get out of it." I managed to get out.

"Okay, Betty. Stay on the phone with me. My dad called and we are on our way. How are you feeling?"

I couldn't answer. I continued to cough and cough.

"Hey it's okay. Please stay with me." I heard Jughead say from my phone.

A flame caught my shirt and started to catch the rest of my sleeve on fire.

"Ow!" I yelled, pulling my sweater off, leaving me in my tank top.

I heard a muffled voice coming from my phone, which I dropped on the floor earlier. I kept coughing and I suddenly got really lightheaded. I felt my legs grow weak, and I fell hard onto the floor, instantly blacking out.

Jughead's POV:

"Betty?" I yelled into the phone, "Betty!" I then heard a thump on the floor, like someone falling.

"Dad, drive faster!" I demanded.

"Jug, the firemen are probably already there. Please stay calm." My dad replied.

After what seemed like 5 years, we finally got there.

Betty's house was still in the process of being put out, but it was basically done for.

"Where is she!" I yelled out to everyone.

What I saw next shocked my dad and I.

Betty. She was in a stretcher. With many burns on her. Her head was cracked open, blood everywhere. Paramedics surrounded her to stop the bleeding.

"Wall collapsed on her and she hit her head. Some third degree burns, and some second degree burns. We need to get her to the hospital." A paramedic said.

They rushed her into the ambulance and quickly shut the doors. They drove away and I stood there speechless.

"Come on. I told Alice to go to the hospital too, we will meet her there." My dad said, grabbing my shoulder gently.


3 hours later:

We were all there. Alice, my dad, Veronica, Archie, and I.

"Elizabeth Cooper's family?" Alice stood up and I payed close attention to try to listen to their conversation.

"She's been asking for Jughead Jones, and Jughead Jones only." Is what I heard.

I stood up quickly, "That's me. Can I see her please." I asked.

"I would like to see her too." Alice chimed in.

I scoffed, "Please, Miss Cooper, All you've done this year is make Betty's life hell." I said, then I turned to the Doctor, "May I see her?"

The doctor nodded, "Follow me, Jughead."

The doctor walking in before me to talk to her. She looked in pain, a lot of it.

"Hey Elizabeth, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"I'm okay. I just have a headache and my burns hurt." she replied.

"Okay, they are going to hurt for a while. I'll shut these lights off for you and Jughead Jones is here too." The doctor replied, shutting the lights off.

"Hey." I said, coming closer to her.

"Hi." she replied weakly.

"Do you know how the fire started?" I whispered, grabbing her not burnt hand and drawing circles over her knuckles.

"Well, I did it." She paused seeing my reaction, "I was only expecting a little thing, just to prove a point to my mom, but it turned into something big, and it happened to fast."

She closed her eyes and sighed, "I'm sorry, I wish I could talk to you, but the ceiling fell on me and gave me a concussion and I can barely keep my eyes open." She chuckled.

I smiled even though she couldn't see it. I got up and kissed her forehead, avoiding the stitches on her forehead.

"Juggie," she whispered, causing me to turn around, "Stay in here. That couch is a pull out."

"Anything for you." I whispered.


Betty's POV:

5 weeks later, and I'm mostly better. My burns have healed and my stitches are out, but my concussion is still bad, but I'm getting there.

Jughead has been taking care of me, and I love it. I've been with Archie, but Jughead has been staying over.

One night, in the Andrew's guest bedroom, Jughead and I were laying down in bed, staring at each other.

"How's your head?" he asked, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"A little better." I whispered, closing my eyes, "Thank you for taking care of me." I buried my face into his chest.

"I'm just happy to see you better."

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