Bughead: Archie's Jelously

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Prompt: Archie gets jealous about Bughead. Archie and Veronica ARE NOTTT DATINGG

Betty and Jughead were walking home one summer night right after a movie. They walked hand in hand, and felt like they had the world all to themselves.

Betty used her free hand to hug their intertwined arms, "Tonight was amazing, Jug. I had a lot of fun." she said in front of her house.

"So did I." Jughead agreed. He kissed her forehead, then her nose, and then right on her lips.

"I love you." He said, lips ghosting over hers.

"I love you too." she replies.

Jughead walked down her pathway with a smirk and people would say that he's whipped.

Betty sighed with joy and turned around only to see Archie on her porch.

"Woah, Arch," she started, putting a hand to her heart, "You scared me!" she chuckled.

"Oh sorry." Archie apologized, "I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tomorrow?" he asked.

Betty bit her lip, "Um, Arch, Juggie and I had plans to go to Pops tomorrow. I'm sure you can tag along, I mean... we go every friday together." she replied.

Archie hesitantly nodded. He didn't want to be a third wheel, but maybe he could make Jughead the third wheel instead.

The next day, Jughead and Betty were waiting inside Pops for Archie to show up.

They sat side by side, as close as they could get. They had already ordered their food because they couldn't wait.

Just then, Archie finally walked through the doors of the diner.

"Sorry I'm late guys." Archie says as he sits down in the booth across from them.

Betty lifted her head from Jughead's shoulder, "Oh that's okay, Arch. We were fine with each other's company." Betty says and Jughead kisses her cheek.

Archie rolled his eyes when they weren't looking.

"So," Betty said when Jughead pulled away from her cheek, "Any new girls Archie?"

"No, no." Archie said, "Wish I could have the one in front of me." Archie mumbled and Jughead heard.

Jughead looked up and furrowed his eyebrows, but then just started eating again, not worrying about it.

Throughout the night, Betty and Jughead continued to do the things they always do, but just along with Archie.

Jughead ran out of fries and he grabbed one off of Betty's plate, like he had been throughout the night. Archie just got really mad and jealous, "Jughead just stop." Archie said.

Jughead and Betty looked up in surprise.

"Jughead can do that, Archie, I don't care." Betty says.

"Do you like Betty or something?" Jughead asks.

"Yes, why does it matter?" Archie says.

"Because, Archie, you rejected her. I've been with her for a year. So I suggest you stay away from my girlfriend for a while because we are in a perfect, healthy relationship right now without any issues." Jughead says and he gets up, "C'mon Betty."

He grabbed Betty's hand gently and they left, hand in hand, together forever.

lol what was thissss

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