Bughead: Christmas Countdown Day 3

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this is so short i'm sorry :( i have like no ideas ughh

Jughead flipped over on the bed and reached out to wrap his arm around Betty. But, no one was there. He sighed and walked to his four month olds room. His eyes widened when he didn't find him.

He walked into the living room to see him in his activity gym, on his back, with Betty laying next to him playing with the toys above him, making him laugh.

His heart felt warm when he saw them. He smiled and laid on the other side of his son.

"Hey pal." he said. Noah grabbed Jughead's finger and wrapped his little hand around it. Noah put Jughead's finger in his mouth and used it as a teething toy. Jughead and Betty laughed and cooed at their son.

Jughead got up and held his son on the couch while Noah continued to suck his finger and bite on it with his gums.

Betty came over from the kitchen and sat next to Jughead, "Santa's coming soon, baby!" she exclaimed which made Noah smile big, "He's gonna bring you a lot of nice toys!" she said and tickled his stomach, causing him to laugh in Jughead's arms.

Betty put her head on Jughead's shoulder, "Do you want to attempt Santa pictures?" Betty asked.

Jughead gave her a light chuckle, "Yeah, let's try. It is his first christmas. I want to do everything we can to make it special."

Betty smiled and went to go get Noah clothes, "Be a good boy, Noah. Daddy will get you a toy if you don't cry." Jughead bribed

Betty soon came out with Noah's clothes. She got him dressed in jeans, his little sneakers, and a red sweater.

Jughead got Noah in his car seat and they started driving. One hand on the wheel and the other on Betty's thigh. Ever since they had Noah, he felt really close to her. Never wanting to let her go. He loves his family so much, so does Betty.

They pull up to the mall and Betty grabs Noah and they walk inside. They were able to get second in line and Jughead prepared Noah.

"He's nice I promise, he brings you gifts and loves you a lot!" he said and kissed his son's temple. Betty smiled and squeezed Jughead's shoulder.

It was finally their turn. Jughead handed Noah to Santa and Noah looked at him amazed. He wouldn't stop staring at him. Betty and Jughead stepped back to the side and looked at Noah. They were overwhelmed with joy on how well it was going.

The photographer got a good shot on Noah smiling up at Santa and it looked amazing. We thanked her and grabbed Noah, also thanking Santa.

"Good job, baby!" Betty exclaimed and put her forehead against Noah's.

He smiled and Betty put him on her hip and they got the printed picture.

"A success!" Jughead said with both Betty and Noah giggling after.

Jughead later retuned his promise on getting Noah a stuffed animal bear, which he now can not sleep without.

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