chapter 1 (21+)

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the rush, the exhilaration of running down these streets with cops behind me made my adrenaline start to pump. the cop lights were getting closer but we ran faster soon getting into a dark ally. are breaths were trying to catch up to our fast beating hearts. now let me rewind and explain myself. a couple days ago after the whole thing with my mom happened jimin and me went out one day.

finally right. we went to the mall together shopping for clothes and objects we could have for ourselves. we had fun and stayed at the mall till really late. considering jimin is a mafia leader no one told us anything or even tried to escort us out. they let us stay until 12 which we just left. but the thing that was diffrent. something that clicked inside me when we left that mall is the smirk i had on my lips.

i had stolen a couple expensive necklaces as well as this overpriced watch. when jimin realized he was surprised. "baby when did you buy all those things." he said while scrunching his eyebrows. i smiled as he looked at the black boxed necklaces and watch in a bag. i moved his vision to me while he still looked confused as i smiled. "i might have.. stolen them." he widen his eyes. "you did what!!"

i giggled lightly as he moved back a bit, more confused and surprised then before. i got ontop of his lap and pecked his lips. "i. stole. them." i said softly between my kisses on his lips. he just looked at me. "baby...." he stood silent after that. i lightly leaned against the wheel when he just started at me and examined me. i raised a eyebrow. "why are you doing that?" i asked while looking into his lost eyes.

"im trying to see who's the woman on my lap, because this most defiantly isn't my baby." i smiled and pecked his cheek to his lips. "it's a one time thing babe. nothing to be worried about. plus who's going to care , they were overpriced as hell." i said while lightly moving back. he sighed and nodded running his fingers between his hair.

"I'm scared, I'm slowly losing you baby." i looked at him confused, but instead of saying anything else he turned me on his lap to be sitting side ways as he turned on the car and started to drive. i lightly laid on his chest still confused on what he meant by that. it was a one time thing i said to myself. he's just over reacting.

well hell was i wrong. the next day i went to another store and robbed again. this time i robbed a Rolex and two purses from two rude lady's harassing the employees with their stupid complains about their shoes being the wrong size. i came home that day to find taehyung on the couch. i slightly closed the door quietly. i looked the house clock and saw it was 1 in the morning. i slightly bit back my lip.

jimins going to kill me. i went upstairs with the things i stole today and went inside our house apartment. as soon i closed the door behind me i turned to find jimin staring at me with a cigarette in his mouth. he took it out his mouth and blew the puff out of his mouth. the sickening smoke blowing around the room. he glared down at me as i just looked at him with out any emotion.

"where the fuck were you." he demanded. i quickly made up a lie. "at bora's house." it was true i went there in the morning but then left after she started offering food. jimin raised his eyebrow getting more angrier. "that's funny, because i fucking called her and she told me you left on the bus around 9." i gulped as he started to get closer his expression with anger.

"now, im going to fucking ask you again. where were you." he said through his teeth. i sighed giving up. "at the mall." i mumbled. he looked at me confused before looking down at my full hands. he slightly sighed and moved back rubbing his face with his hands. "you didn't." i looked away. he now moved up closer to me and grabbed the things out of my hands. "what the fuck do you think you're doing! you can't keep doing this shit! you can really fucking go to jail for stealing!"

i looked at him, my expression now dark. "nothing will happen. they know who i am, they wont say shit." i said while crossing my arms ontop of my chest while leaning against the wall. he then looked at me and sighed letting his shoulders move down a bit in disappointment. "young... the cops are coming after me now." i looked at him. "what?" my arms dropped and i looked at him seriously. he nodded with a sigh.

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