Chapter 13 (21+)

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once everyone finally came down to eat breakfast we all sat in the living room munching on food. (except for me and jimin) even bora came over. but she was acting so weird. i dont know. like, every time i tried speaking about what happened right after jungkook and her had sex she would dodge it.

can't a girl get answers for once in her life. i kept speaking with bora as she kept staring at jungkook. he was talking to heera and laughing. i looked at him and rolled my eyes. "hold on." i told her. "jungkook." i yelled. he imdiantly looked at me and hummed. i got up and grabbed his arm and while passing by the boys i grabbed jimin who was speaking to seulgi.

i finally pulled them both into the kitchen. i pinched both while they both groan. "jungkook. you have a second chance with bora. what the hell are you doing?" i asked. he sighed and pushed his hair back. "i love bora. but... she... she needs time." i rolled my eyes. "are all guys idiots?" i asked confused. "not all girls want or need space. some girls want attention. they need that attention to make them feel like you actually care."

jungkook slightly ohhed. seems like a light bulb went off in his head. "ohh is that why she still stayed with me... even...after everything?" i sighed and shaked my head. "kookie just go fix it okay. try talking to her." he sighed and nodded. he hugged me which made me smile and hug him back before i moved back as he left. i then turned to jimin. he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "you just brought me here to torture me with bad feelings?" i rolled my eyes.

"I know i can't make you stop talk to her. but... would it kill you to not be so... nice? at least to her?" he looked at me confused. "wait. you always yell at me for being so rude, but now.... you want me to not... be nice?" he asked confused. i nodded biting the inside of my cheek. "yeah.. kind of." he shaked his head chuckling. "i can't believe you." i looked at him confused. "what?" he looked at me. "are you being the controlling one now? you know i don't like it when people try to control me."

he said sternly. i folded my arms. "well you know what jerk, the difference between me and those other people who try to control you is that im actually supposed to be important to you." he chuckled. "does that mean i have to listen to everything you say?" i glared at him as he tilted his head. "you know what fine. game on." i grabbed my phone. i clicked on the one contact i knew he would be furious if i texted.

"what the fuck are you doing now?" he looked over my shoulder and then glared at me. he almost grabbed my phone but i quickly moved myself away. i smirked. "try and stop me." he ran after me as i laughed running away. everyone turned there attention towards us while i ran outside. running fast but tauntingly as jimin was behind me.

he catched me and i laughed panting as he grabbed me. he grabbed my phone and put it in his pocket. he then put me over his shoulder and walked back to the house. i laughed and just admired his butt. as i admired it i heard a familiar phrase which made jimin stop walking. "stop! don't move! we have you surrounded!" i looked and saw a police force around us.

jimin put me down and smirked looking at me. i looked at him confused. "put your hands up in the air." we put them up slowly. he whispered into my ear. my eyes ignited and i attacked the cops. they all tried fighting back but i put them unconscious before they could. jimin just smirked proudly.

i panted as all the cops were on the ground now. i glared straight at jimin as he smirked. i walked straight to him with my fists balled up. i lifted my arm to punch him but resisted. he didn't change his expression which irritated me. "don't you ever say that ag-" he pulled me in and kissed me. i tried moving away but he didn't let me get out of his hold.

i gave up but enjoyed his lips. he moved back and whispered into my ear biting my ear. "your a good pawn." i moved away from him staring straight at him. i shaked my head walking away as he just stood there smirking.

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