Chapter 38 (21+)

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(Sorry this took so long, i lost motivation for a while but i decided to try and finish it up for those people who want to finish the book. I'm still debating about making a third book but if people want me too ill make that one surrounding young and jimin having a kid together/ young being pregnant. Anyways enjoy)

as I was walking down the street I realized that I was going by myself. like jimin wasn't any where to be seen. I sighed covering myself up a little bit more since I felt colder from the harsh winds. I mean I really couldn't say much to him, he has all the right to be mad at jin. he made us look like little kids and treated us horribly, but jin isn't like that. he was doing it because he was worried about us.

I don't know what was going through his head during our problems but I want to try and understand him. so I'm going over to go talk to him. it'll be easier then speaking to my stubborn husband. I continued walking but soon saw more and more snow fall out of the sky. I looked confusingly at the floor and saw piles of snow starting to form up.

I heard a yell and turned around. "hey miss! there going to be a huge snowstorm please take shelter in our pub!" I looked at the man before quickly ascending towards the small pub. I entered shaking off the snow on my shoes. "what crazy weather. its the middle of July and its snowing" one man exclaimed to the other. I took out my phone and saw 6 missed calls from jimin. I tried calling him back but there was no reception.

I sighed sitting on a stool while looking at the tv to see the weather reports about the storm that's passing. "it may take an hour or two for the storm to pass folks so don't be so hasty to do anything as our plans will definitely be ruined because of these unfortunate events. stay safe everyone."

jimins pov

I was trying to so hard to not freak out. I know she isn't in danger, if she was I would've sensed something wrong. but what if she's trapped in the middle of the snow? or some one took her? I couldn't stop thinking about the worst possibility's in my head. oh my fucking jimin ur an idiot! u should've put away ur fucking anger management side and went with her. I looked at my phone to see no missed calls or messages. I decided enough was fucking enough. I needed to find her.

I got up and grabbed my jacket running downstairs to the car. I turned it on and rushed to the one place I thought she could be. I raced there without hesitation.

youngs pov

I looked at my phone to see it was 7 in the afternoon. gosh I should've stayed with jimin. I mentally smacked my self. if only I listened. I started to look around the place I was stuck in and quickly spotted a telephone pole in the corner of the room. I hurried towards it and dialed jimin number. I sneezed and accidently clicked the wrong number dialing someone else.

once they picked up I realized and quickly hung up cursing at my self. I dialed jimins number hoping he'd pick up. surprisingly he picked up at the speed of light. "hello?" he said. "Baby!" I yelled. "princesses where the fuck are you! why the fuck weren't u answering to my calls! I was worried sick about u!" I smiled lightly. "Thanks for worrying hubby but im good. Im at a pub right now in shelter so im fine. but I just wanted to tell u where I was so you wouldn't worry." I heard him sigh.

"I always have to worry about ur wandering ass." I laughed lightly. "stop running away from me though. I didn't tell you this when you left but, I just wanted you to understand how I felt about the whole situation with forgiving him and-" I interrupted him. "no its okay, I was thinking and... you're right to be mad. and I know I've been pretty pushy with trying to get you to do something when your not ready to do, so imma back off. I want you to forgive him whenever you want too." he stood quiet for a second.

"well baby, good news then. I'm not mad anymore. we resorted it out." I hummed surprised. "really! already?" I smiled. he chuckled softly. "yup, we talked and... I've realized that he was just scared to let you go off by yourself. you had two parents that never gave a shit about you. fake friends who went behind your back, had your sister taken away from you. and never really had a real childhood."

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