chapter 4 (21+)

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i was in my room laying on my front while reading my book as jimin left and entered the bedroom with out one word out of his mouth. i didn't know what he was doing, but let him focus on it. i just kept reading inside my whole world of romance and drama.... soon a loud ass bell ruined my perfect fantasy of this dramatic Romance. not saying that me and jimin can't relate to that.

i looked at my phone and saw it was yooksu. i sighed and picked up. "hello." i said through the receiver. "hi youngie, can we hang out?" i hummed and laid on my back closing my book. "sure. what do you want to do?" i asked while making sure jimin wasn't coming in, before looking back in front of me assuring myself that i was safe.

"let's go to our childhood park! i want to meet someone." with his enthusiasm through the phone i could see his painted smile across the phone. i smiled lightly. "how am i supposed to get to busan dummy." he then laughed. "I'll take you. and we'll all go together!" i hummed, but before responding jimin came in with a guy behind him. i looked at the two of them to the farthest corner of the room from me and start talking.

i just watched them talk. "young?" i quickly snapped into reality. "oh yeah. okay, but first i want to know who is coming!!" he chuckled. "you'll find out as soon as you get to my house." i scrunched my eyebrows. "your house?" he sighed. "ill explain everything once you get here." i sighed and threw myself back on the bed while jimin still didn't break his contact (contact = glare) with the dude.

"okay, okay. as soon as i ask jimin I'll-" he interrupted. very loudly. "NO! you can't tell him! this has to be a secret young. please~! i promise it wont take long at all!!" i sighed and now sat up. "yooksu, i dont know. jimin and me just talked about trust and how we were supposed to tell each other everything." yooksu sighed and i could sense my best friends sadness through the phone.

"fine young, tell him. go ahead." i looked at jimin who now was gone. i sighed and looked at the bed sheets. "fine. ill go. but on one condition." i could hear his happiness through the phone. "what?!." i sighed. "i get to bring bora with me." the line stayed silent. "im sorry. who?" i laughed. "oh right, she's my friend." he then ohhed. "oh okay yeah no problem. so ill meet you here at 4?" i sighed. "5 , im hungry." he chuckled. "eat and then come, okay?"

i hummed and nodded. "okay then grapefruit ill leave you off. bye." "bye." i hanged up before dropping on my bed while sighing. "how do i get myself into these messes" i rolled over on my side on me and Jimin's usual shared cuddle spot when we fall asleep. i hugged the pillow before closing my eyes. maybe this time i won't get caught? but maybe i will. and maybe jimin would break up with me. an image played into my head.

i was on the ground crying while jimin stood in front of me with a angry look. i couldnt hear anything but could just see from afar what the dream was meant to compose. i woke up gasping before coughing and laying back on the pillows. i looked at my clock which showed it to be 2:32 pm. i got up and changed into a plain white dress with shorts under (woohoo for me, im not a hoe !!) i finsihed changing before going into the bathroom and letting my hair down from that stupid tight ponytail.

i brushed my messy wavy hair before letting it do it's own thing. i then go down stairs and see the boys all around the sofa's. i slightly smiled and sat next to taehyung. he smiled at me and let himself lay on my shoulder. i looked at his casted arm and imdiantly felt bad. "taehyung im still so sorry for what happened. i hope you get better soon. you've been in that cast for almost a month now." he sighed and nodded. "i know, its hard moving in this stupid thing. but nurse said in a couple of day's i could take this off and move my arm around normally." i smiled and softly patted his good arm.

"im happy for you taetae. dumb jimin shouldn't have shot you in the first place, but you know how he gets." i sighed. he chuckled and nodded. we both just stood quiet after just watching tv with the rest of the members. the maids brought food out to the living room when yoongi called for them to come and serve us. i ate well and got full pretty quickly.

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