Chapter 33 (21+)

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I looked around the room to make sure no one was here. "okay but If I give you this you have to swear to god you won't tell anyone." I said carefully picking my words. he rolled his eyes and stretched his hand In front of me. "just give it too me, I won't say anything." I sighed and handed him the drugs.

he looked at them and then at me. "theirs some missing." I sighed and nodded holding my hands together. "sorry.... I kind of took some because I wanted to try." he widen his eyes and then laughed. "wow you surprise me more every day." I rolled my eyes. "whatever." I heard jimins voice as I heard him call me. I freaked out and quickly turned around to see him scanning the room before seeing me and woo-seok standing behind me.

"baby! what do you need?" I asked trying to be as calm as possible. "uhm.. I just wanted to ask if you and... whoever that is behind you wanted to go to eat tonight?" I hummed nodding. "yes of course babe, but me and woo-seok were speaking about something important. so you have to go please." he raised his eyebrow and then walked closer and my heart started to pound against my chest.

he got like an inch away from my face and smiled. "what?" he asked with his dorky smile. I smiled rolling my eyes but giving a light peck. "go away." he giggled cutely which made me kiss him again. "could you guys make out somewhere else." woo-seok groaned. I stepped on his foot before looking at Jimin and smiling as he just looked at me.

"go handsome, ill come out soon." he hummed pouting while kissing my neck gently. "I love you." he mumbled before moving back. I smiled. "I know, I love you more." he smiled before closing the room door gently. I let out a breath and then turned to my ex-friend who's now a drug addict. "okay, dude I need you to act as normal as you can. Jimin isn't kind to strangers especially the ones I know. got it?" he nodded.

"tell me what I can and can't do." I raised my eyebrows. "this isn't fucking school. their are no rules, except to not be a fucking dumbass and show him the drugs I just gave you. got it?" he rolled his eyes but nodded. I let out a breath before turning around to leave, as I did a I felt a hand grab my wrist. I turned around to see him smirk.

"I mean were in here alone, and I have a feeling that your boyfriend isn't coming in here again. we could... you know.. maybe sext like in our high school days, or even better actually initiate in what we said we would do." I looked at him to see if he was serious before bursting out laughing. I got my wrist out of his hand. "first off, I was a hormonal teenager back then, I basically sexted anyone who wanted to be. and second you prick, I love my boyfriend, I would never do that to him."

he raised his eyebrow and moved closer as I backed away. "why you still the virgin coward you were before." before I could respond someone else did. "actually when we first became a thing, she wasn't a virgin anymore." I looked back to see Jimin. he came in with a annoyed look on his face. "I came to give you back your phone but it seems like I came at the right moment." he walked closer and closer to him as woo-seok back away.

"now before I break your fucking face get out." he rolled his eyes. "whatever. just want you to know your girlfriend is very good at lying to you." he walked past Jimin grabbing his bag and winking at me. I looked at Jimin when he left. he just slowly turned around and looked at me. I looked down gulping.

"what the fuck did you do?" he growled. I hummed but didn't look at his eyes. "nothin-" "tell me what you did young, and be honest." I gulped again and let my eyes water because of how nervous I was getting. "babe I promise I didn't do anything bad. just.." he came closer to me and held up someone's phone. I looked to see it was mine. "I saw the whole conversation. are you that stupid to fall for something like this!"

I shrugged and rubbed my arm. "I felt bad. we killed his sister remember?" he sighed. "and you believed his fake ass story of depression and all that shit!! his 'depressed' ass didn't even fucking show up to his sisters funeral!! he was at home playing video games! he literally told everyone that shit!" I flinched when he angrily let his arm swing aggressively around the air.

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