chapter 5 (21)

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(why is he so fucking hot! 🤤 just like bitch!! fuck me already!)

she just started at me before looking behind me and sighing. "where is everyone else." i slightly looked away from her and started to speak more softly. after our last farewell i honestly couldn't be any more awkward with her. "uhm, there inside." she sighed nodding before just inviting her self in pushing me aside. i slightly stubble back watching her just walk in.

i hear loud cheers and just put my attention to the door and lightly close it. "hey seulgi long time no see girl!" taehyung screamed making the boys roll their eyes while seulgi laughed. i to not seem awkward i just looked at jimin as he looked at me. he said hi to seulgi but in the most uninterested way he could.

seulgi didn't seem to happy about that but just kept talking to the rest of the boys. he nodded his head towards him and i shaked my head making him frown. he came to me and put his arms around me. "im sorry, for what ever i did. but can you please tell what i did so i can apologize?" i sighed and whispered it into his ear and he looked at me and sighed. "im sorry baby but im just so stressed about this police shit. they captured more then 3 of my gangs already. im trying to lure them away and im so stressed with that shit. so please forgive me if i drifted away from you. just know i love you still baby, okay?"

i smiled lightly and nodded before hugging him. he smiled hugging me back. that's before we heard his name being called. he turned his head slightly while i just kept my arms around his waist. "want to go out to celebrate seulgi coming back?!" namjoon asked. "hey lets go to that new fancy resturant." jin offered. jimin shaked his head. "no, im good." they frowned slightly before looking at me with hopeful eyes but i just hid behind jimin. "she doesn't want to go either."

they sighed and nodded before turning around. less enthusiastically. jimin moved me back slightly before grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs. i could feel seulgi's eyes travelling with me as i keep walking upstairs. jimin brought us to our room and closed the door behind us. he sighed and looked at me. "are you gonna be okay with her here?" i then scrunched my eyebrows. "what, is she living here again?" i asked scared. i didn't want it to be anymore awkward then it was.

"well no not living, but she is staying for a couple weeks before transferring into a new group all the way in china." i nodded looking at his chest. jimin slightly sighed pulling me to his chest. "babygirl, don't worry much about it okay? we can just live without her being in our lives." he started to form a grin on his face while rubbing my waist. " i can kiss you, touch you and tease you anytime i want babygirl. so just worry about that for tonight. or just to make this fun. right now." he picked me up and brought us to our bedroom while i laughed and kicked my legs.

He chuckled locking the door behind us. we spent our time making love to each other. but this time he was going more softer on me, of course he'd had his frequent slip ups where he goes faster making me cum faster. but i would make him do it again until he got did it slowly. of course he didn't have a problem with that (hoe(cough cough)) while in the process we heard a loud knock on the door in the middle of our after sex make out's.

jimin moaned out a what as i stayed connected on his lap while moaning sometimes when he would bounce a bit making his member come in and out in a fast unsaddle way. "jimin, young. we're all leaving. are you guys sure, you don't want to come?" i heard taehyungs voice from the other side of the door. i put my arms around jimins neck letting soft whimpers and moans into his ear. jimin bit his lip pushing up more making them more louder. he covered my mouth before responding as he continuously pounded in and out.

"no, we'll meet up later!" taehyung hummed. "k, bye guys." with that the apartment door slammed shut. jimin didn't remove his hand from my mouth. he smirked seeing me scream into his hand. "i love you so much, i just want to be in you all day and not get out. don't you feel that way to babygirl?" i hummed and nodded quickly while closing my eyes screwed shut as he hit my prostate.

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