chapter 14 (21+)

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   we both just started at the annoying couple a couple seconds ago we were feuding about. "hey guys, we thought since you guys didn't have lunch yet, we'd bring it up here and enjoy our food with you guys too!" josh said with a big smile on his face. jimin just stood there. he didn't say anything. i grabbed Jimin's hand, and paddle locked our fingers together. "sure." i said stepping aside for them to come in. jimin just watched them as they smiled hugely before coming in. 

          i closed the door and as i was about to walk towards the fake couple jimin held me back. "are we really doing this? don't you hate seulgi?" i sighed but kept my eyes on the two as they unpacked everything. "we'll get information more easier this way. i want to know why all of a sudden she decided to come back."

           he let out a breath and nodded. "okay, lets go." he pulled me to the table as the two sat opposite of each other. we both looked at them. "uhm can you guys move?" i elbowed jimin. they both chuckled at the same time. "sorry no can do, it's just a think we do." jimin sighed ruffling his hair. "jimin it's no big deal we can sit across from each other." i said calmly. he bit down his anger and nodded. he moved me to sit next to seulgi while he sat next to josh, but being the brat he is moved the chair over a bit. 

            "okay well, lets eat" the food looked amazing and it was amazing. we all ate but i only ate until i felt good enough. a little less actually, but i just wasn't very hungry. jimin looked at me biting a piece of bulgogi. he gave me the other piece offeringly. i smiled and shaked my head. he pouted and mouthed the word 'please' i sighed and nodded. 

          i wanted to grab it with my hands but he insisted on feeding me. i rolled my eyes but smiled as i took the piece of meat and happily ate it. he looked at me while smiling. "well we should be going now. tell us if you ever need any company." seulgi smiled at jimin as she said it. jimin just nodded his head. 

           as jimin escorted them out i cleaned everything. jimin sighed as he closed the door. "well that was a bust. we didn't get a single thing from them." i hummed while washing the dishes. "i know, but it dosent matter. I'm just happy there not staying with us for too long." i felt Jimin's arms circle around my waist as he pulled me close to him. i smiled and tilted my head a bit as he planted soft kisses on my shoulder. 

                "at least we still have each other baby girl." i hummed agreeing.   i finished washing the dishes with jimin now in the room calling someone. he said it was business related so i decided to give him a break from me always interrupting him and going to watch tv in the living room.  i just put on my childhood cartoons that played reruns every now and then and just had fun. 

           once jimin finished with the call he went straight towards me and laid on me while getting comfortable. i caressed his hair while his head laid on my lap. "babe." jimin called. i looked at him and hummed moving his hair away from his face. "if i cheated on you, would you leave me?" i tensed up and he imdiantly sat up getting ontop of me. "i didn't cheat on you, it's just a question." i let out a relief breath and nodded. 

          he looked at me making sure i was alright. he then put his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. he acted like such a baby at times. i hugged him softly back too. "well... yeah." he looked at me surprised. "really?" i nodded while my eyebrows knitted together. 

       "baby, you're surprised?" he nodded. "but don't you love me?" i sighed and pecked his lips. "of course i do stupid. don't ask me dumb questions like that. but if you cheat I'm out." he then lets out a breath and laid on me. "well i don't care much about that because I'm never going to cheat on you." i smiled and nodded kissing his cheek. 

          "now you. what would you do if i cheated on you?" i asked. he hummed and shrugged. "probably kill you." i hit his back as he laughed. "im just kidding, baby. i'd be hurt that you cheated on me get insecure, and probably hurt myself or die." i looked at him quickly. "wait what. are you serious?" he nodded. "well duh. your the only good thing about my life. if i lose that, i won't have anything." 

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