chapter 23 (21+)

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i walked around the room thinking about the call i just had with my mother. she really wanted to talk to me? jimin watched me pace around the room as i told him what happened. "baby i don't know about this." i looked at him. "what do you mean?" i was actually pretty happy to go see my mom again. i missed her. i gave her some space to try and process everything. and now i could get my chance to see her again.

he sighed and signaled me to come to him. i sat ontop of him as he smiled softly pecking my forehead. "remember last time? i don't want anything like that to happen again." he said softly but with a small tone of disapproval. i sighed and pecked his lips gently. "it won't happen again. i promise." he let out a breath and put his head on my shoulder.

"you can come baby. we can all talk together." he hummed and looked at me.
"you sure?" he asked. i nodded smiling. "of course cutie." i pecked his cheeks and lips softly. he smiled softly. "i love you." he whispered. i smiled pecking his lips gently. "i love you more." we both giggled fooling around for most of the period of time.

after a couple hours pass we made it to the park. me and jimin were the first to arrive. we went to the bench and sat down together. we were back at the park we both came to when i was taken away from him. but i came back, to this seat and found him. we both whispered little quotes from books we've read inside the book we were recently reading together. i actually convinced him even through all his work schedules he sets for himself.

we both were just smiling at each other before he leaned closer. i closed the gap getting ontop of him and taking advantage of being by ourselves. or at least i thought. i heard a car park and we both look moving away from each other. i saw the door open and widen my eyes. "mom?" i asked. she was wearing a full designer dress with diamonds covering the top of it, while her bag was from Gucci and her shoes from the most expensive designer in Korea.

she didn't look at me but instead walked in like a walking advertisement. i saw another man besides her walk too. but as they walked towards us the man intertwined both of there arms. i was super confused by this time. jimin didn't give a expression and just started. she finally looked at me but didn't smile.

she just gave off the same stare jimin gave to her. i got up with jimin holding my hand. i bowed lightly. "hello." i said trying to be as formal as i can. she nodded her head. the man besides her glared at me and jimin. i looked at him confused. "shall we sit?" i asked confused. she shaked her head. "nope. i just wanted to tell you something before we left." she walked closer. i walked back a little jimin stood still moving in between us. she stopped moving and held her breath.

"Move back." he said under his breath. he seemed to be holding back his anger. i am so lucky to have some one like him. she didn't listen but just stood still not moving any closer. she glared at me while the man besides her went up to jimin. "you need to move, this isn't your problem." i quickly moved jimin back as i saw him grunt his teeth.

"she is my fiancé, whatever problems she has, i have." he growled. my mom widen her eyes and walked closer to me this time faster. jimin walked infront of me while the man stopped her. "you dirty slut! your getting married to this man!" my eyes watered. i thought when she called she was trying to better our relationship. not make it worst.

"w-well-" jimin talked for me. "her relationship status is none of your fucking business you absent whore." the man besides her swung at jimin but jimin dodge it punching ten times harder in his mouth making the man fall down with a bust up face. "jimin!" i quickly said. i grabbed his hands and holded it tightly as my mom ran to the man making sure he was okay while helping him up.

jimin smirked. "pussy." he spit at the man as the guy grunted. i hugged jimins arm as a form of protection. i already knew what was coming from my mom. "i came here to tell you to never come back to the family house again. you're not to talk to me or the girl ever again!" my heart tore in half. jimin holded me worryingly.

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