Chapter 30 (21+)

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 After my uncle and aunt left jimin laid next to me on the bed. i caressed his head gently. "w-why d-did you have to do that? i could've moved, infact i was going to but then you came out of nowhere and-" he stopped himself looking at shoulder. 

        "y-you got shot instead." i lifted his chin and gave him a soft kiss. "did i die?" he looked at me not saying anything. "did i get shot in a place where i could die?" again silence. "exactly. if i hadn't done that you w-would' would've been shot in the head. you'd be dead baby. i wouldn't know how to live like that." 

     i cried as he pulled me in. he sighed kissing my neck gently. "im just so glad you're okay." i nodded gently letting my tears out on his shoulder.  we both lift our heads when we hear a knock on the door. jimin got out of the bed but i grabbed his wrist to come back. he turned his head and i took the moment to connect our mouths together. he smiled before reacting back. 

    after a couple seconds we pull away and he goes to open the door. he looks at the person and doesn't say anything. "baby who is it?" i asked. he glared at the person in the doorway. "no one beautiful-" as he finsihed that i saw the door slam open and speed in my mom. she stood infront of me with an angry look on her face. jimin came to my side and holded me close to him. 

           "how did you get yourself like this. selling drugs to the wrong person?" she mocked. i started at her emotionlessly. "kidnapped." she stopped grinning. she stood silent for a couple seconds. "if you have nothing else to say get out." she looked at me surprised. "i am your mother. don't talk to me like that." i could hear jimin growl. "she said to get out. " she looked at jimin and then at me. 

             she let out a sigh. "I Tried being a good mother. you're the one bringing shame to your family." i heated. "no mom, that's not how this is gonna end. me bringing jimin into my life was the best thing i could've ever done. i would've been okay with you not accepting him. i would've been okay with you taking a break from what you saw that day. BUT, to shut me out and call me and jimin names when all i have done for your ass is help you!" she stood silent looking away. 

            "everyone fucking told me to not help you. because they knew what your intentions were. you don't care about me, you don't even care about my sister! i gave you that money to help get a better life. instead of living in fear, you could live close to me. and we could be a family without dad... without the man who almost killed me, the man you let almost kill me!" 

             i was in tears by this time. "since you got yourself a whole new family, get out! and don't fucking call me or ever ask to see me." she stood silent for a second. i saw jhope enter the door and look at us. he went over to her and lead her out the room. jimin laid on the bed with me cuddling me close to him. 

              jhope came over and grabbed my hand. "you okay?" i nodded sniffling. "yeah." i wiped my tears. "so when can i leave?" i asked sitting up with jimin and clearing the rest of my tears. hoseok hummed lightly. "well~~~ about that." "doctor said in a week or two." i widen my eyes looking at jimin. "WHAT!" 

            he shushed me and pecked my lips. "baby ill stay with you however long you're gonna stay here." i sighed and put my hand on his cheek. "as much as i would love that. you need to sleep. you haven't slept since Tuesday, which was two days ago." he shaked his head. "im fine really baby." i looked at him deep in the eye. 

                  "hobi back me up on this." i said while looking at him. he bit the inside of his cheek when looking at jimin. "dude it's true. you need sleep. tommroow morning you have one of the three most important meetings to finally solve the police problem." he sighed pushing his hair back and looked at the blinding celling light.  

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