chapter 18 (21+)

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i was video chatting with jimin as he was in a hotel room in las Vegas. "baby do you know when you're coming back?" i asked while boredly stirring my cereal. "no babygirl, i don't know for the tenth time." he said while smiling softly. i sighed laying my arm while pouting. "but daddy you've been away for so long!" i whined. he grinned. "baby if you're gonna whine at least do it in our bedroom."

i rolled my eyes playfully. "i miss you~" he sighed pushing his hair back. "what, do you think i don't miss you? i want to get back to your beautiful clingy ass." i smiled and threw kisses at him. "you love this beautiful clingy ass." he chuckled seductively playful. "yes i love that ass very much." i pouted frowning.

he chuckled. "im just kidding beautiful. you know i love you entirely. i wouldn't have put a ring on your finger just to see your ass all day." i laughed letting my head back thinking about it. he chuckled seeing me laugh.

he sighed throwing himself on the bed. "i love you baby, but i have to go. ill call you later." he smiled lightly. i frowned. "okay. i love you." he grinned blowing me a kiss. "i love you more princesses." i smiled blushing a rose shade. he winked before hanging up. i sighed smiling. "i love him." i heard ohhs and a whole party escalate inside the kitchen. i rolled my eyes seeing the three guys left here dancing around in the kitchen.

"ANNOUNCMENT YOUNG LOVES JIMIN!" hoseok yelled. i laughed blushing as bora came into the kitchen oohing as she tickled me. "the maknae is soon to be married~~~" i laughed lightly pushing bora away. "shut up you guys, im trying to blush in peace!" they all laughed. i shaked my head.

seowon came into the kitchen drinking my apple juice. i pouted and hit her head. she whined while the others burst out laughing. "don't drink my juice bitch!" i grabbed it back and drank it. seowon pouted. "so what am i going to drink!?!" bora elbowed seowon and whispered into her ear as jhope smirked at her as she blushed.

i looked at the both of them as jin and jungkook did as well. "ay, bastard don't look at my cousin like that." jhope raised his eyebrows looking at me. "excuse me whore, who do you think you're talking to." i playfully got up and standed in front of him. "im talking to you... horseface!" (sorry hobi its not true "{ ) he widen his eyes and ran after me as i ran out laughing.

hoseok grabbed me and pushed me on the couch tickling me. i laughed trying to push him away but he inpristened me. "apologize." I laughed out of breath. "i-im s-sorry!" he laughed while moving his arms away. "better be!" he playfuly threated me as i laughed quickly running behind jungkook.

he chuckled and put his fists up. hoseok and him pretend fighted while i hooted for them while bora and seowon just looked at the two with smiles on there faces. i awed at boras expression of love but then looked at my cousin. she had the same expression. i furrowed my eyebrows and made them stop playing.

"hobi sit next to seowon and jungkook bora." they hummed confused. jin watched standing next to me. they sat next to each other confused. i looked at my cousins face directly. she was deep red. i looked at hoseok as he tried looking away. "are you... are you two dating?" they both looked at me and got up at the same time bumping into each other.

bora looked at jungkook and whispered inside his ear something. i looked at them hurt. "well... are you?" "ME AND BORA GOT BACK TOGETHER!" i looked at jungkook and widen my eyes. "seriously!!" bora hit his chest. i jumped ontop of the both as they laughed. "IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO!" i yelled squeezing them. they laughed moving back so they could breath.

bora looked at me and moved her head back a bit. i hummed. she sighed and whispered into my ear. "get off my boyfriends lap." i laughed and just sat ontop of her and hugged her. she sighed but smiled caressing my head softly. jungkook chuckled. before looking at someone behind us and smiling and winking.

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