Chapter 39 (21+)

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                                                                          A couple hours later 

                 it was around 8 right now, and we just finished eating dinner. i picked up joeun and brought him with me and jimin to the apartment. i set him down on the couch. "okay joeun, i made you a little room in the play room. do you feel comfortable sleeping by yourself?" he hummed nodding. i smiled and ruffled his hair. "such a big boy." he giggled and hugged me. i smiled hugging him back. 

                   "but if i get scared can i sleep with you?" i hummed. "of course monkey, you're welcome to sleep with me whenever you want." he hummed nodding. i brought him into the room and set him down on the bed. i made sure he was comfortable and then kissed his forehead turning off the lights. "thank you noona" i smiled. "no problem monkey, goodnight." he mumbled a sleepy goodnight back. 

              i closed the door and then went into my room. jimin was on the bed on his phone. i just ignored him. he was acting up on purpose and i didn't want that to affect me. i cleaned the room which was left a mess after joeun came in because he wanted to investigate the room. i picked everything up and put it all away. i went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. 

             i finished and picked up the bathroom a little bit before going to bed. i slept in the corner and closed my eyes turning off the lamp. i sighed hugging the pillow. i felt myself drift to sleep and slowly entered my dream realm. 

                                                                           2:00 AM

          i woke up to some poking. i opened my eyes a little to see it was joeun sucking his thumb. "can i pwease sleep with you noona?" i pouted and brought him into the bed hugging him. "of course sweetie. are you okay? what happened?" i asked making sure he was okay. i carrassed his head gently as he snuggled into my chest.

               "i got scared because i heard noises in my room." i got flashbacks to when my dad was in that room. i snapped out of it. "its okay monkey, your safe here with me. i will protect you." i kissed his forehead and hugged him. he yawned tiredly. "does hyung mind?" he asked softly. i smiled shaking my head. "he loves you monkey, he wouldn't mind at all." joeun lightly smiled. "does hyung love you too?" i stood silent for a little bit before awnsering. "yeah... he does. he just has.. weird ways of showing it." i said trying to dismiss our conversation. 

                  "then how come he did all that to you yesterday?" i looked at him surprised. "joeun, what have we talked about in ease dropping into other peoples conversations." he sighed and put his head in my neck crook. "i just don't want noona and hyung to break up. i love the both of you." i smiled softly. "we love you too monkey, now stop talking." he giggled while i smiled. 

              i hugged him while thinking about our conversation. i sighed and fell asleep again. 

                                                                              9:07 AM

                  i woke up to see joeun gone from my hands. i got up rubbing my eyes and saw jimin and him on the couch playing cards. i tied up my hair before going to the bathroom. i fixed myself up and then went back out again. i kissed joeuns head. "good morning cutie." he smiled. "good morning sleepy head." i smiled and ruffled his hair. 

                  i went to go put on shorts and a bra since i only slept in a shirt. i came back to jimin cleaning up the mess of card joeun left behind. "where did joeun go?" i asked. he hummed nodding towards the closet. i opened it and saw joeun grabbing paints from the top shelf. i quickly ran to get him down from the stairs. "joeun ask before you get something." he pouted. "i asked hyung and he said okay." i sighed. "if its far away ask someone to get it for you." he nodded. "sorry noona." i grabbed his paints and then picked him up to go to the room. 

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