Chapter 29 (21+)

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3 hours later

we all got to the strip club where hoseok leaded us to a table. we all sat down. "so what are we doing again?" bora asked laying against jungkook as he kissed her neck. "TRUTH OR FUCKING DARE! I TOLD YOU FUCKING TWO SECONDS AGO!" taehyung yelled startling me. jungkook moved back giving a death glare to taehyung.

bora laughed. "i forgot!" jungkook hummed seeing her act cheerful and laid back. "wow you didn't break down." yoongi said surprised. she rolled her eyes and pointed at me. "im not cry baby next to me." i widen my mouth as everyone burst out laughing except jimin who had a small smile on his face caressing my hair back.

"i didn't say anything! why are you coming after me!!" she imitated me. "u-unnie j-jimin a-and i-i j-just a-argued." i glared at her as everyone laughed again. "fuck you." i switched spots with jimin as he chuckled. bora looked at me and pouted. "i love you wifey." i hummed. "love you too babe." we both did our handshake before laughing.

jimin raised his eyebrows and put his arm around the both of us. "so where do i come into this little wifey thing." i smiled looking at him. "when you get on boras level of tounge." i showed him mine and everyone laughed out harder. jimin kissed my head smiling. "we'll see later." i giggled and pecked his mouth.

jimin moved his arms to hold my hands. "okay lets play." we all did rock paper scissors and namjoon won. he went to jin first. "truth or dare?" he asked. jin hummed. "last time i picked dare you made me put a penny in one of my girls holes. she hasn't called me back." i burst out laughing with my high pitched squeaks making everyone follow behind me.

"you sticked a penny in a girls ass hole!" jin shushed me but people already looked while the group just laughed harder. he sighed shaking his head. "truth." "is it true you once gave a man a blow job before?" everyone looked too see his awnser. he sighed and nodded. i widen my eyes surprised. "really?" i asked.

he nodded, his ears bright red. "i was drunk." "that's not an excuse." jhope laughed. jin sighed and glared at all of us as we laughed. while we played one of the waitresses came over and put all types of alchool on the table. i ohhed looking at all of them. "young." i jumped to attention at my name. "truth or dare?" jungkook asked. i hummed. "truth." he groaned. "wimp." i raised my eyebrow and he laughed. "just kidding i love y-" he stopped making everyone ohh while i laughed as bora looked at him.

"what was that?" he shaked his head gulping. "nothing, let me continue." bora hummed moving back into his arm. "if you haven't met jimin who would have you gone out with." jimin stopped drinking and put his cup down looking at me. i hummed. "out of you 6?" jungkook nodded. i shrugged. "one each day." they all widen there eyes surprised. jimin more interested then the rest. "i'd like to see each man for there desires and movements in bed and decide their."

the guys looked at me with such a slut stare. i grinned and winked moved back. "well you can have her." jimin got up as i laughed pulling him down. i sat ontop of him and kissed him all over his face. "but i got stuck with you, and im definably not complaining." bora ohhed loudly pocking me as she heard me. i giggled and pecked jimins lips softly. "young its your turn."

i hummed and moved back. i looked at jimin. "truth or dare baby." i asked while pushing his hair softly back. "dare." he said gently while looking at my noticeable hickey, smirking at our afternoon events. i hummed and looked around the table. "OHH CAN I MAKE A DARE!" taehyung said excitedly. i smiled and nodded. "go ahead." i said gently before laying in his neck crook.

taehyung smirked evily. "kiss bora." All of a sudden everyone paid attention. "fuck no." jungkook said furrowing his eyebrows and moving her closer to him. i looked at bora and sighed looking down a bit. "okay but quickly." jimin looked at me and kissed me softly whispering an a soft i love you before turning to bora.

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