Chapter 25

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mom where are you? mom I'm scared. why cant I see you? why cant I be with you? where are you mom?                                                   mom come back

    I'm 18 years old looking for my lost mother. these questions pop up to me every now and then.

        I don't know where my mom went.

       I want help. help to find her. but everywhere I go it seems to be an endless puzzle around my head. 

                I want this hell to stop.

       I want my life back. I want my mom.

                                       why cant I have her? isnt life supposed to try and bless me with new beginnings?

                     yet why do I feel like this is going to be my ending?

          I want my mom back. I want life like it was before.

               why mom? why did you leave me? alone in the darkness! alone In this place you call home but I call hell!

        why couldn't you take me with you! why! why couldn't I just have gone with you!
                 why make me stay and remember our memory's, our story's. our life!

          why couldn't you restore my hope and faith in you coming home! couldn't you just stay with me for a little longer!

                     you left me with a black hole inside me mom! and you didn't even care!

I feel lifeless without you. like I cant...walk.

                I feel like I'm on the verge of falling into that hole mom

                                                                              but before I do....

                    I have a question......

         if you were supposed to be my life support, then how come you left me like thin air?

                how do you call yourself a mother?

              and how do I keep living with that same pain. that pain of never seeing you

            why! why, why why! why the hell did you leave me mom!! why!
                was I just not enough?  

         these questions float around my head. as the time passes so does my will to live.
          mom I just want you to know....

          I now understand why you left. even if questions still circular my head everyday.

                          but mom,

                     I still need you                                     


  Written by Kim young. August 3, 2018

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