Chapter 24 (21+)

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               jimin and i were alone in a hotel room laying naked against each other. we didn't have sex or even make out. we just laid there comfortable without our clothes next to each other. it felt nice. i had his lips on my cheek softly pressing kisses on my cheek. we had our wedding rings back on and pledged to never take them off again. 

          after last time we didn't want the same thing to happened. i slowly closed my eyes the more softly and tenderly he kissed my cheeks. "i'll be back okay." he got up and i quickly opened my eyes. "where" i asked looking at him. he smiled softly and pecked my forehead which made me close my tired eyes again. 

           "im gonna workout in the downstairs gym and then buy you food, so you can do whatever while im gone." i pouted softly as he kept pressing his lips against my forehead and my forehead only. i moved my head up a bit and kissed him before softly moving back. "when are you coming back?" he shrugged grabbing his phone. "what time do you want to eat?" i hummed softly. "at... 7." he hummed nodding. he got up and started to change while i watched him. 

          "baby were in Paris, you can do whatever you want to do. why not go and explore the city or something?" i widen my eyes. "really?!" he nodded. "but only if-" i ran to him excited and jumped ontop of him thanking him in between my excited kisses on his mouth. he chuckled and put me against the bed kissing me deeper. i moaned softly. 

       he moved back pecking my lips gently. "only if you call me as soon as something happens. i am your number one caller, got it?" i nodded pecking his face gently. he smiled before getting up. i pulled him on my lap and pecked his neck cuddling him from behind. he chuckled grabbing my hand and kissing them. "beautiful, im going now." he turned around and gave me one last big kiss before moving back and grabbing his gym bag he brought. 

         i hummed waving to him as he left. "love you." i smiled. he smiled softly and directed a kiss at me. "i love you more." he left as he said that. i sighed and then laid back on the bed. i decided i wanted to rest for the rest of the time he was gonna be away. i was too lazy to leave anyways. i got my phone and stayed naked under the covers scrolling through it. 

         i saw on insta my cousins page. i saw pictures of her and her boyfriend were deleted. she only had a picture of the whole family back then where everything seemed so simple. my deceiving dad was there far away from the rest of the family as usual. my little cousin 4 at the time in my arms hugging me while my cousins grandparents and uncle were smiling towards the camera.

           but the one person who stood out was me and my mom. i looked at her. she seemed so gentle back then. she seemed to actually give somewhat of a fuck to what happened to me. now she doesn't give much of a fuck for anything including me. i still can't believe she used me for money. I've been talking a lot with jimin about that. but i tried not to since eveytime we did we would get in a argument. me trying to defend my mom, even though i knew what her intentions were since the beginning. 

            as i continued processing everything i heard a ding come off my messages. i looked and smiled seeing jimin video calling me already. i first checked the clock and widen my eyes. "what the fuck! I've been dozing off for more then five hours!" i was surprised but not at the same time. i always dozed off for the longest time. 

            i answered slightly covering myself and only showing my face. his side showed the shower rooms being empty. "baby?" i asked slightly confused. "hi baby, what are you doing?" i heard a shower turn on. "nothing... are you taking a shower?" i asked. i heard him hum. i hummed. "and your turning the camera because..?" i heard his laugh. "you're so dirty princess, but later ill show you why."

          i hummed pouting and sitting up. "but baby im naked and im showing you." jimin chuckled. "i have a surprise for you. you're gonna love it." i smiled and laid on my hands. "i miss you." i pouted. i could hear his soft laugh. "and i miss you. you haven't called or even texted me. i thought you really were having fun. but your just on the bed." 

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