Chapter 41 (21+)

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Jimin and me were in bed cuddling as we watched comedies together. I looked at jimin and put a smile on my face. He looked at me and hummed pecking my nose. "I love you." I said softly kissing his lips. He chuckled kissing back.

"I love you too. But stop kissing me before you get sick." He said pulling away. I pouted and hit his chest. "kiss me please~" I pouted. He shaked his head pushing me away. I groaned getting on top of him. He raised his eyebrow. "Baby." He warned. I folded my arms. "To bad."

I said before attacking his mouth. He groaned moving his head back but I kept kissing him. "I will sneeze on you." He warned. I shrugged. "Sneeze on me." He sighed seeing that didn't work. "Baby please, your daddy is sick. You can't keep kissing me or else you'll get sick too." I moved back and grinned.

"hehe, my daddy." I repeated. He laughed before pulling me in giving me a kiss on each part of my face. "There. Now no more kisses." I huffed but just cuddled him. He chuckled. "See my baby does listen to me." I hummed falling asleep on his shoulder.

"Babe, should we check on joeun?" I looked at him. "Okay, but if we check on him we have to talk to him. The both of us." He sighed but agreed as we got up. Jimin adjusted my bra and put on my shirt.

I just lazily jumped on him making him carry me. As we got to the door I heard a quiet voice. "Oh no, noona hates me. What should I do ptertackle!?" He whispered. i frowned hearing him start crying. "oh god baby, he's crying." i said almost crying myself. jimin kissed my forehead. "calm down beautiful, if you give him power he'll think what he did today was okay and do it again. keep your chin up, and don't soften. or else im going to have to talk, okay?"

i sighed and nodded getting off him. jimin slightly smiled. "we can do it baby, then we can all hang out again." i then smiled and nodded. i sighed and opened the door slowly. i saw joeun raise his head and run to hug my leg. i looked at jimin and he sighed picking joeun up and sitting him down on his bed. i grabbed jimins hand as we sat on the bed across from him. he wiped tears that were falling down his eyes.

"i see that today obviously wasn't one of your best days, and i really am sorry for that. youngie and i have been trying to make it better for you the whole entire day, and i hope that you understand that the both of us care very much for you and hate seeing you act like you did today." i looked at jimin as kept speaking softly with joeun.

i don't even think he realizes what an amazing father he would be. that thought made me smile. joeun wiped his tears and hugged jimin. jimin was surprised but slowly hugged him back. joeun moved back and then looked at me when i looked away a little. "noona, im s-sorry. i don't want you to hate me anymore." i looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows. "what is up with the two most important men in my life thinking that i hate them."

i hugged both joeun and jimin kissing joeuns head as he hugged me. "i love you so very much joeun. i could never ever ever hate you. not even a little bit." i sighed and carrassed his head. "i was just a little bit sad that you were being mean to me and my friends, but i understand bad days. so i forgive you monkey." he cried and nodded snuggling in my shoulder.

"i love you noona and hyung." we both smiled hugged him. "we love you too." jimin and i said at the same time. jimin and i looked at each other and smiled softly. "is that what having a kid feels like." i whispered softly. he chuckled and kissed me. "maybe, i mean we'll probably get to know sooner or later." i grinned and threw my arms around him.

he smiled while carrassing joeuns head and my back. jimin and i got up smiling at a sleepy joeun. "tomorrow we'll go get ice cream. good night sleepy." i said with a small grin on my face. he smiled waving at the both of us. "bye." he yawned. we both left the room closing it quietly. "well that was ea-" i kissed jimin being more passionate then before.

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