Chapter 16 (21+)

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a few weeks passed on, and jimin has been acting so much more weirder then usual. he hasn't been talking to me, or even sleeping with me like usual. he was always so worked up in his office. the only thing we did that somewhat made me happy was him eating me out when he feels like it. but he never let me suck his cock or even cuddle afterwards.

something was up, and i wanted to understand what? he was in between my legs again but he didn't let me touch him. "d-dadd-dy!" i moaned out louder as his tounge went deeper. "p-please t-talk t-too m-me." i cried out. i was getting frustuated. he wouldn't talk to me, he wouldn't touch me. it's like he didn't even care about me anymore.

he lifted his head and looked at me. i let my tear slide down my face. "you only ever touch me when you feel like it, but never want to talk to me." i looked at him. "what am i doing wrong? am i hurting you? do you not love me anymore, is that what it is?" i asked. everything inside me was starting to fall. I've been patient for a long while.

"baby, what the fuck no. your not doing anything wrong, your not hurting me and i most definably do fucking love you." he went onto my body kissing my neck and trying to cuddle his head into my neck crook. "then what's the matter? your getting distant with me." he sighed and put his arms around my body. "nothing. shouldn't you go to sleep ?" i looked at him for a second before moving away from under him and lifting my underwear up.

he knew what i was gonna do and holded me down. "please baby, don't be mad." i got annoyed and upset. "you ignore me, you only touch me when you feel like it, and then tell me not to be mad!" i yelled at him. he looked at me surprised. i haven't yelled at him in a while. "baby, it isn't like that." he tried reasoning. i sat up. "then tell me jimin. what is your problem? why do always...isolate yourself from me! are you trying to break me?!"

i was going crazy on him. he knows i can't stand it when he isolates him self from me. he looked down a bit. "okay... i have been isolating away from you. but not because i don't love you, because... i....I'm trying to find josh. he's out there. and im afraid he'll take you away from me. i really want to kill him before he hurts you. i can't let it happen again."

i looked at him as he had glossy eyes. "babe i-" before i could even say anything jimin got a phone call. i looked and saw him look as well. "im sorry baby, just wait a second." i nodded and put my arms around him. he got his phone and answered. "yes?" he asked. he caressed my hair softly. i felt comfortable again in his arms.

as i started to feel more and more connected to him again i put my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. he looked back at me and just kept talking to the caller. i pulled him closer getting our foreheads to touch. he moved away from me and got out the bed. "sorry baby, it's work." i sighed as he left rushing out the door.

i laid back on the bed and covered myself frustuated. why is he so frustuating? i then sighed and remembered who i was talking about. i grabbed my phone and started to play random games. i was reaching to grab my charger but instead grabbed something rough. i looked and stayed for a second looking at it.

i grabbed the tiny wooden box and opened it. i sighed. "he's smoking again." i got up putting my phone down. i grabbed sweat pants and put them on before putting the cigarette boxes back inside my pocket. i put on my slippers before walking out of the room to the hallway. i heard loud yelling coming from downstairs. i was curious so i walked down stairs.

i stopped in the middle of the stairwell when i didn't see anything weird but still heard loud noises. i went to check in the gamble room. which i never went into and treated it as a resourceful closet. i went downstairs and knocked on the door. "hey guys, whatcha doing?" i asked. the room got quiet. i heard whispers before someone unknown opened the door but only to the sight of his face coming through it.

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