chapter 21 (21+)

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Weeks have passed, but it all felt like years. I have been silent all week. I haven't talk to anybody not even jimin. Most of the time I would feel bad for pulling away from him when he would try to hug me when we slept.

Or when I ignored him when he talked to me. I felt bad, really bad. But I couldn't think properly. Today was sugas birthday but like usual he was closed inside his room. Not like I was gonna say anything. I still wanted to keep my silence. But because I know he didn't do anything besides be a good friend I got him an expensive gift.

I set it on his kitchen counter with my card ontop of it. I knocked on his rooms door before leaving quietly. It was a new a dimonded wrapped pipe that lets out tens times as much smoke as his normal pipes. i left the room closing the door before going to downstairs. i wanted to find something to drink. i went into the kitchen but found jimin in there. he was looking at something.

i walked past him into the kitchen. as i did i felt his eyes on me. i went to the refrigerator and pulled out a soda. i opened it and turned to walk back upstairs. but jimin stopped me. he was in front of me looking at me. his expression didn't say much. he handed me something. i grabbed it slowly. he sighed moving back a bit to give me space.

i put the can down on the kitchen counter before unfolding the piece of paper he gave me. i read it slowly. i couldn't believe he actually wrote this. it was beautiful. he wrote a poem, talking about all details he's first seen in me before he even met me. it looked like this letter was written when we first met.

i looked at him as he sadly tried to smile. "please come back to me." my bottom lip started to tremble. fuck. i was actually getting good at ignoring him. but then i started to go through what he actually did to me. nothing. all he did was help out his friend. I've been so rude and selfish to not realize that he was only trying to keep me from getting hurt, which resulted into me getting hurt more.

i walked past him. i heard his sobs and walked out quicker. i ran into our room and threw open the door. i went into our closet and grabbed my item. i ran back downstairs into the kitchen. i found jimin on the floor. i ran and lifted his chin up. his eyes were puffy and red. i handed him my object. he looked at it while wiping tears.

he grabbed it slowly. i smiled softly. "be with me forever baby." i whispered. he opened the box and widen his eyes. he put down the fertilized box and put his arms around me. i threw them around his neck pulling his mouth to mine. he moved us down onto the cold kitchen floor, but i didn't notice too much into our kiss.

i felt tears going down my face. but it wasn't mine. i opened my eyes to see he was crying. i tried moving back to tell him not to cry but he didn't let go. instead i kissed him deeper. i intertwined our hands together and didn't pull away until i ran out of breath.

we both moved back and looked at each other. i smiled softly seeing him put his arms around my waist. i grabbed the little box next to us and took out the ring and grabbed his hand putting it on his ring finger. i kissed his knuckles and then his mouth again.

Namjoons POV

jungkook and i were talking about young's silence going into the kitchen until we stopped when we saw jimin and young on the floor kissing! we were both so surprised we forgot to hide ourselves. but it was too late. young already saw us. she moved back from jimin but had her remarkable smile on her lips.

"hey guys." we both ran to her unconsciously and hugged her tightly. "you're talking to us!" i heard her hum as jungkook excitedly hugged her. we both moved back and jungkook cleaned his tears as we all smiled. "why.. now?" i asked trying to ease into the conversation. i missed her voice, we all missed her. she acted so distant and all we did was hear her cry's whenever she went to the bathroom.

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