chapter 12 (21+)

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(Week later)

Seulgis stupid 'boyfriend' is still here. That guy hasn't left since last week, and he's getting kinda annoying. His daily routine is eating, sleeping and annoying me. Oh and also lets not forget there LOUD sex that literally everyone can hear! Because they keep there apartment door open! And if that's not bad enough I also have to go through the daily scold by jimin.

Don't talk to him. Stop showing your interested into him. Blah blah blah. I don't even show the damn dude a wave and jimins already on me. Literally. Which I'm not complaining for, but I don't want him scolding me for something I didn't do. Fuck. Well at least it's jins birthday. Unfortunately Jin left to his hometown to celebrate with some friends.

Let me just mention that those 'friends' was basically taehyung and yoongi. Since taehyung so willingly offered to go while yoongi was forced to by namjoon. So while they were gonna be gone for a whole week we all relaxed. Having Jin gone is like having our mom on a business trip. He scolds us so much I sometimes just want to hit him on the head to see if he'd turn back to himself like a robot maybe.

Anyways me and jimin were now watching a movie in our room. Jimin was falling asleep while I stood awake the whole time, We were watching a comedy. I kept laughing while jimin slowly closed his eyes. I looked at him and sighed. This was the third time. I slightly hit his waist and he hummed. "babe come on. You always do the same thing." I said annoyed. He sighed and turned away from me.

"Because you always pick the most boring activities there are on the face of the planet. Why cant we go do more exciting things? Like I don't know... Get drugs together or Rob a mafia gang." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes. "Never again park jimin. I'm only dragged into this because of you. Not because I wanted to be in your... Drug dealership."

He turned towards me and pulled me close to him. "I love you." He all of a sudden kissed me and I felt very confused. I was expecting more yelling then kissing. I moved back confused. "Wait... Why aren't you mad?" He smiled and put his hand under my Chin pulling me closer. "because babygirl, you really came into all this mess because you loved me, And for that I'm so thankful to have a beautiful girl like you by my side."

I grinned before laughing and pulling him into a tight hug. He chuckled lightly before putting his legs around my body. I lightly groaned as he smiled pecking my lips gently. As this happened we both heard a loud knock on our door. I hummed lightly as jimin kept traveling his kisses to my neck.

"Can I come in?" I sighed hearing the males voice from the other side of the door. Jimin moved back staring straight at the door. I grabbed his hand. "Sure." I said. He opened and then smiled as soon as he laid his eyes on me. "Seulgi and I wanted to ask you something. And of course we both would understand if you said no." I hummed.

Jimin glared straight at him. "We were wondering if you'd like to go out on a double date? Like tonight or something." I widen my eyes. "Really!" I asked. Suddenly my enthusiasm shown. Jimin looked at me with a annoyed look on his face, while Josh just chuckled and nodded. "Well whenever your ready meet us downstairs at around 7 and we'll leave."

I nodded thanking him as he nodded slowly leaving, which made me question a bit before he actually left. I then looked at jimin as he shaked his head looking away. "Baby boy. Please." I pleaded. He didn't move or say anything. i sighed and put my arms around him lightly kissing his head. "baby please. its just a one night thing. we dont have to do it ever again."

he sighed and looked down. i laid down on his body and kissed his cheek gently. "please." i whispered. he then sighed. "okay. fine. but on one condition." i hummed looking at him. he looked at me. "your going to stay the fuck away from that bitch. got it?" i smiled rolling my eyes. "yes baby." i whispered lightly kissing his neck.

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