chapter 9 (21+)

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     I got out of jimins tight hold around noon. He started to whine and grab my arm trying to push me back on the bed. I laughed trying to push him away. Our laughter stopped after a knock on the door. We both were only in our undergarments so we both just looked at each other to see who would open it.

        We both gave each other intense stares untill I made a funny face making him laugh and kiss my nose while pushing me over and getting up to put on sweatpants before heading to the door. I put the covers on top of me while putting on a random shirt on the ground. He looked at me as I finished putting it on before opening the door.

       In came taehyung walking past jimin. He looked at me, no not looked GLARED at me. I gave a soft smile. "Hi tae, what's up." I said confused on his sudden appereance. "Why. Why would you say that." He said while folding his arms and glaring right at me. I gave him a confused look.

       "What?" I asked. Jimin looked at him as well. He just slid in bed next to me putting his arm around me. "What the fuck are you blabbing about taehyung?" He said while sighing and pushing his hair back. Taehyung glared at him. "You. You should be ashamed to have a girlfriend like that! Threating people that she barely even knows!!" He yelled. Jimin sat up now glaring at him.

       "Don't talk about her like that. You use respect when you talk about my girlfriend, and again what the fuck are you talking about." He said confused. I laid more into jimins hold feeling uncomfortable. He glared straight at me. "Dont ever, fucking ever threaten seulgi like that I'm your life. Or else!" He said lowly, but roughly.

      Jimin got up now grabbing taehyung by the neck. There was footsteps at the door and gasps. He was starting to choke him. I got up and immediately holded back jimin making him let go with an angry look on his face. "Don't you ever, fucking ever threaten her. Or else I'll kill you taehyung. Don't fucking think I'm joking." He said ready to lunge at him but I brought him back.

      I looked at taehyung now annoyed. "So she showed you?" Taehyung glared at me coughing. "You have no shame don't you?" I slapped him and pushed him against the wall. Making everyone surprised even the boys in the door way. Thank God this shirt was as long as my knees.

      "Are you fucking Stupid!" I yelled. I was getting tired of everyone blaming shit on me. He glared right at me. I was not in the mood. Not today bitch. "I'm so fucking tired of you and everyone going against me when all you dumbasses knew me before seulgi."

     I turned to jimin. "Except for you, which I already talked to you about." He nodded still surprised. I looked back at taehyung. "But the only fucking person I should have to explain myself for was the one person who is actually dating me! The rest of you idiots already know me since our middle school years!"

     I yelled. taehyung calmed down his chest stopped rising and falling. I then let go of him making him slump down still looking at me. I then turned to the boys still mad. " And you idiots believe her too?" They didn't say anything. I sighed. "Get out, all of you." I said clearly. Taehyung stood still. Still not putting anything together.

     I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him out tears rolling down my eyes. Jimin immediately came behind me as I threw taehyung out. He landed on the ground just looking at me. "Get out the apartment and don't talk to me again." I slammed the door before breaking down. Jimin hugged me putting my head on his shoulder as I hugged him tightly.

      He tried comforting me but I couldn't hear him. I was so mad and upset that they all believed her. I know there was a recording of me saying stuff like that but they know me. Or at least I thought they did.

                          Taehyungs pov

         "Look what you just did dumbass!" Yoongi yelled at me. We were in the kitchen now all trying to comprehend Young's mad expression. She dosent get mad for just any reason. She got mad, but at me this time, Arent I supposed to be her friend. I didn't know what to think anymore.

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