chapter 11 (21+)

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"jimin..." my inner fangirled surfaced. The room... was a underground bedroom. around the walls there were portraits of me and jimin hanging and on the pathway right straight to our bodies is the bed. there are flower petals as well as some wine on the bedside table and a bouquet of light pink roses. my eyes watered as he lightly pulled me into his hold.

"you like it babygirl?" i nodded sniffling. "yeah...yeah, i love it." he smiled hearing me about to cry from joy. he kissed me down my neck. "i love you, okay. i want you to know that I've never loved anyone the way i love you now and forever. you take care of me, you try your best to try and make me happy, you help me battle my everyday battles with myself whether to let you go or not."

i now lost it and cried. he worryingly turned me and wiped my eyes. "babygirl no dont cry, you're going to make me sad." i nodded before putting my arms around his neck. "i love you baby. i fucking love you so much." i cried. he caressed my head and lightly pecked my forehead. my eyes were now puffy and red so i hid them on his shoulder. he noticed and softly pulled my head away from his shoulder.

"dont hide yourself, your beautiful baby." i sniffled and kissed him putting my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. he moaned when we passtionaly kissed each other. "baby." he let out as i pulled him back in. he slowly took us to the bed pushing off the beautiful heart shaped petals. he laid me down on the bed straddling me with his legs and arms. we both kissed with big emotion.

as we kissed we heard something on the ground level. jimin moved away slightly while we both slightly panted and looked at each other while the weird noises continued. "should we sees whats going on?" i asked worried. jimin shaked his head and grabbed me pulling me closer to him. i grinned and kissed his lips softly.

"probably just the guards running or some shit." i hummed and we both kissed again and again. the room was pretty quiet except for the sound of weird scratch's on the ground level still. jimin now had his arms in my shirt and let his hands stay on my breasts. i moaned lightly and let my head back. i pulled him closer to me getting under the covers. we both took off our shoes before slowly taking of each others clothes. i was ontop of him while kissing him with as much emotion as he gave me.

we both moaned, but didn't do anything but kiss for what seemed like hours. we moved back after a bit to catch up our breaths. i looked at jimins glistening chest. his head was back. i imagined him touching me while moaning my name. telling every damn person in this world who he belongs to.

i sat up on his lap and lightly let my hands trace down his chest. "baby..." i said lightly. he hummed, his chest still heaving up and down. i grinned and lightly moved down my face to his. he looked into my eyes and smirked pecking my lips softly. "what do you want to do now babygirl." i hummed and traced my hand up and down his chest.

"can i be in command?" he lifted his eyebrow and hummed lowly in his throat. "i dont know beautiful. daddy always wants to be on top." i hummed and pouted kissing his lips lightly. "daddy please!" i begged jumping on him up and down. i know what i was doing to him because i could feel it going in between my legs. i smirked and looked down at his cock. he bit his lip.

"lets make a deal. if you can make me cum before 2pm. i'll let you be dominate whenever you want. but if you dont. head is off the table at least until when i say so" i hummed and was going to disagree but he lifted his cock entering his head in. I whimpered out a unsteady okay. he hummed kissing me gently. i moaned as he lightly moved up and down. i moved back and got out of him.

he looked at me confused but intreged as i got off the bed looking for something. "what are you looking for babygirl." he asked grinning. "handcuffs and a blindfold." he ohhed. "baby girl you gonna do the same thing i did to you that one night." i looked at him and hummed nodding slowly moving ontop his body while gropping his lap. he moaned lightly holding me. " where is your stuff Babyboy?" he bit his lip and looked at the cabinet behind me.

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