Chapter 22 (21+)

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        i turned around in bed and panted softly. i felt Jimin's kisses travel down my back. i moaned lightly moving back into his cock. he put his arms around my waist and moaned softly into my ear. "keep going babygirl. they won't hear us." i whimpered softly biting back my lip. "n-no. t-their o-out t-there." i moaned a bit louder as i moved back quicker. 

         he chuckled softly. "shouldn't have been flirting with my friends." i whimpered. "I didn't flirt! I was trying to be nice~" I moaned holding onto his hand around my waist. He hummed sucking on my neck. "That's not what I saw." I whined out moans as he was thrusting near my u spot but not hitting it.

       "Daddy! P-please f-fuck m-me g-good~" he smirked moving back and thrusting slower which made me whine again. "The more you complain, the less of daddy's dick you will have." I bit back my lip trying to hold back my sexual frustration but it was so hard.

      I pulled out and decided to piss him off. "Sungwoon!! I need you to come inside!!!" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows when he saw me take off my covers. I let my naked body out in display. "Coming!" We heard his footsteps come closer. Jimin shoved me under the covers and covered everything of me while holding me to his cock.

          The door opened and he slammed into me. I covered my mouth with my hand quickly. "Oh hey Hyung. You called?" He slammed harder and I felt myself clenching around him. I wanted to scream so badly. "Yes kid, would you mind going to get Cindy's number for me?" I couldn't say anything from how fast he was going. How did sungwoon not notice?!

       "Yeah sure Hyung!" I heard the door slam shut. Jimin went under the covers pulling out and turning me. He slammed harder then before. I screamed out his name. He opened my legs aggressively but slammed hard hitting that one spot that overstimulated me.

      I could barely breath. My legs trembled as my body shaked under him. "J-ji...JIMIN!" I screamed. He didn't say anything and instead grunted every hard thrust he did. I cummed without warning my toes curl while my back arched. Jimin pushed my back down while thrusting through my juices.

         He grunted louder and cummed inside me making me scream. It kept coming inside me before soon we both calmed down. I felt exhausted. I panted getting the covers off our body's and putting mine around his.

      His chest rised and then fell. "Off." I looked at him when he suddenly spoke. "Hmm?" I asked. "I said to fucking get off me." I looked at him surprised but listened to him. I got my body off his and laid next to him instead.

         He got up and sat up with a angry look on his face. I grabbed his hand but he moved it away. "Baby?" I tiredly asked. "don't call me baby slut." I widen my eyes. "Dont you dare call me a slut!" He glared at me. "I call you by what you are, if you don't like it get out." He growled.

           I tried being calm about this. It's not a big deal. I'll just talk to him about it after with him. Don't get angry or else your fucked. "dude you get mad all you want, it's your fault for not fucking me right the first time." Shit. Well it escaped.

       He got up and threw the lamp at the wall making it shatter. Now the room was dark. "Jimin!" I yelled. "Call me 'dude' again and I'll fucking make sure young you won't ever catch me fucking you again." I smirked. "ohh the baby is mad. Wah wah. Man up." I felt someone hold my arm.

          "I'll show you a fucking real man." He threw my arm a bit before turning me and sticking himself in me again. 

        I moaned weakily. "No wait, I'm real-" he thrusted harder and didn't let me speak. I moaned loudly letting my head fall down onto the mattress. My hands grabbed the bed sheets for support. I felt him hit my ass cheeks. But this wasnt our normal hitting. He was hitting me hard. I squeaked in pain.

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