chapter 8 (21+)

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Young's PoV

I tried finding jimin but I couldn't see him anywhere. I tried asking the boys but they were all to much into there own world to notice. I sighed giving up before I saw something. I saw jimin in a table booth with someone in his arms. As I looked closer I widen my eyes.

That person was seulgi! After I gave that bitch a threat to stay away from him, she comes back. I sighed and went up to him. As I came closer I saw she was crying. I was feeling so confused and angry right now.

As I got to them finally I saw jimin look up at me. His glare pirced right through me. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked while patting seulgis head as she cried on his shoulder. I was know even more confused. "Wait wha-" before I could finish he inturuppted.

"You can't just fucking threaten my friend like that!" i looked at him for a bit before looking towards seulgi who was wiping tears. she looked at me and smirked before burying herself back into his neck crook. the place only i could be in. not her. "jimin you dont understand-" he shaked his head making me stop.

"you have to stop young. how many fucking times do i have to tell you to not be jealous!!" he said mad looking with a haunting expression. i lightly trembled upset that he was yelling me. "babe." i whimpered out. he sighed looking away from me. "i dont even know why i bothered bringing you here. you always do the same shit." i stopped listening to see seulgi climb ontop of jimins lap now. and jimin... jimin let her. now i snapped.

i grabbed her by her hair and dragged her down. she started screaming and now people were looking at me. i got ontop of her and punched her. i felt someone push me off her but i went back on punching her in the mouth. now i felt two body's behind me pushing me away. i tried getting away kicking and punching.

"you slut! how do you do that in front of me knowing that he's with me!!" i yelled more angry then I've ever been. the boys were now confused and panting. my cousin came and looked at me. "young?" she asked. seulgi had a bleeding lip as well as a bruise on her cheek. jimin looked at her before clenching his fists. he gave me the most angriest stare he could have possibly ever given me.

"go home. and don't you dare think of saying shit to me." i looked at him panting and sad now. my cousin took my hand pulling me slightly away as i tried getting close to him even as he look murderous. but i didn't care. i wanted to explain but i couldnt. to many people pulling me away.

around 4 am

i was at home now. my cousin left home but before she did she gave me a kiss on the head promising me everything was going to be fine. as me and the boys who went with me got home quietly, i just ran to my room. i closed the door and started to cry. i was now laying against the closet door now just sitting there. everything went through my head. his glare, her fake crying, the way he just let her sit on his lap like i wasn't there.

everything got to me. and i broke. i would have done worse, could... have done worse to her. but i couldnt. i knew jimin would hate me forever if i actually gave her serious injurys but i couldn't restrain myself. i have a very violent and strong animal in me that i sometimes cant control. it scares me sometimes how easily mad or upset i get. but... i just... i dont know anymore.

as this processed i heard the door from the apartment slam open before slamming shut. then this door opened loudly. he obviously wasn't making an effort to stay quiet. i just looked at him as he looked at the bed before around the room before stopping at me. he glared right at me slamming shut the door. he walked past me and went straight to his cabinots throwing out cloths onto the floor.

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