Chapter 32 (21+)

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            i laid across jimins lap as he looked tiredly at his phone. i was in my red laced panties while wearing his shirt. jimin lightly caressed my ass squeezing it while scrolling around his phone. i moaned while moving my ass a bit to try and get his attention. he wasn't looking at me and instead moved his body a bit making me frown when he wasn't paying attention. 

            "babeee~" i whispered. it was around 3 in the morning and he had just come back from one of his meetings. he hummed with his tired deep voice. "do you not see what im wearing?~" i asked confused as i got up to show him my braless and laced panties body. he hummed not looking up from his screen. 

             i moved his chin to look at me. he looked and smirked. "damn you want that type of attention?" he whispers in his sleepy but half awake voice. i hummed nodding. he turned his smirk into a soft smile while he played with my hair. 

                   "how about we do this in the morning? I'm about to drop dead baby." he chuckled softly closing his eyes. i hummed but understood. "okay, i understand. but can i play on your phone?" he hummed tiredly. "put it to charge while your on it please." i hummed nodding. he put our white sheets over us and hugged my body to his.  

          i went on his phone and went to pick my normal choices of games. but something stopped me. i wanted to see his pictures. i wanted to see his selfies. if he even had any. i went to his camera and went through his selections. i hope he didn't mind. i didn't find any selfies. the only thing i saw was, sex tapes? i clicked on one and quickly put down the volume. 

            i watched the recording of me and jimin on the bed together. this was the time jimin was going so hard that we actually broke the bed. i watched in awe of my noises and his grunts. i couldn't look away. i got out of that video and started to go to the other ones. soon i found a whole bunch more. i stopped looking through them when i felt my eyes start to fall. i turned his phone off and charged it like he told me too.  

            as soon as i did i saw he was getting a call. i sighed and went to pick it up for him. "hello?" i yawned. "hello is this jimin?" i hummed a no. "i'm his fiancé. " i heard the person oh. "hey young this is jihyun, uhm,... fuck it. could you do me a favor?" i hummed tiredly. he sighed. "could you come pick me up as this bar. ill send you the address." i sighed and looked at jimin before pushing my hair back. 

            "okay. im on my way." he hummed. "thank you." i hummed softly. i got up and changed. i put my hair into a messy bun and grabbed jimins car keys. even if i didnt have my drivers lisence i am still going to try and drive. i grabbed jimins phone and went downstairs as quietly as i could. 

            i made it outside without anyone looking. i saw the gaurds all look at me with the most tired expresstions. "go to sleep. and if jimin tries anything tell me." they all thanked me before going inside. i then went to the garage and grabbed jimins least expensive car. which was hard to pick from just looks. 

            i started the motor and let out a breath. i got this. i thought. before i could go i heard a knock on my window. i looked and almost jumped seeing jimin. i put down the window. he looked at me and sighed. "move." i took off my seatbelt and moved to the passenger seat. 

             he came in and sat in the drivers seat. his eyes were about to fall. "where the fuck do want to go at this hour?" i tried carrassing his cheek with my finger but he moved his face. "baby your brother wanted you to come pick him up, and since you were alseep i was gonna go by myself." 

               he hummed. "Where." i showed him the location and he nodded before getting his phone and putting it on the oppisite side of me. i looked at him and frowned as he started to move out of the gates and into the street. "baby are you mad?" he shaked his head focusing on the road. "im sorry, i just want to let you sleep." he sighed and nodded. "i know that, but next time wake me up. you and driving isn't going to happen untill you actually get taught how to drive." 

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