Chapter 45 (21+)

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Jimin's pov

I sat next to young in the nurses room. I was so worried for her. She just passed out, going limp in my arms. I looked at her and sighed holding her hand. "when is she going to wake up?" The nurse shrugged looking at the monitor. "I don't know, at this rate it should be any second now but she could also not."

I nodded but just looked at young. Jungkook entered and came over to Young's side. "is she okay?" He asked with obvious concern in his face. I nodded. "she fainted." Jungkook nodded and checked to see if she had any marks.

"Do you know how?" I shaked my head. He nodded looking back at young. We both sigh. "Do you think... Do you think she's pregnant?" I widen my eyes looking at him. "Pregnant!? Why would she be pregnant?" I asked confused. He shrugged and held Young's small hand.

"I don't know, I just feel like somethings been off with her lately." I nodded but still couldn't wrap my head around her being pregnant. "Even if she was pregnant, we couldn't afford to take care of a child right now. I haven't told young this yet but this year is going to be the busiest years of my life. We're not gonna be able to be together that much because of work and the thought of her being alone and pregnant scares me more then anything."

I sighed listing on my concerns to Jungkook as he listened. "She's not alone. She has us. And even thought she will miss you she understands." Jungkook smiled looking at young and chuckled. "She really loves you dude, she understands you when you tell her that you're busy. Even if it obviously hurts her she stays strong and let's you do what you need to do."

               i nodded taking in deeply what jungkook was telling me. i looked at young and felt an ache in my heart. knowing that this is close to the times where im not going to see her anymore hurts. i need her. she started moving around in the bed before waking up completely. jungkook and i both looked at her. 

             "youngie are you okay?" jungkook asked making sure she was okay. she nodded not saying anything. i looked at her a little confused. "are you sure you're okay baby?" she nodded but didn't say anything again. i just looked at her a little confused. "what time is it?" she asked softly. "3 am." i answered. she nodded but didn't look my way. i just got even more confused. 

            now i know something happened. i looked at jungkook but he already got the message. he wished young to get better and just gave me the 'find out whats wrong' look. i nodded before looking at young again. i grabbed her hand and holded it. "sweetheart, you're not okay. what's wrong." she shrugged. "nothing."

        i sighed softly. "baby, please. just tell me, i want to -" "why did you lie and say that going to Dubai and fixing things with the cops is going to let you see me more? you could've said anything else besides that." i looked at her. I'm guessing she heard what i said about this year being our most difficult one. 

             "it was the only excuse i could give you. im sorry i lied. also im sorry about this whole not being able to see you thing. i want to be with you.. so so bad sweetheart. i want to be with you everywhere i go. but you're not going to be safe. and im not going to be there, so that just scares me." she sighed but put her arms around my body. "i love you jimin, but i can protect myself. please, no more separating from me." 

            her voice sounded so broken and desperate. it made me almost break down. but i needed to stay strong. "no separating baby, you can come with me but locked inside of the hotel at all times. okay?" she nodded. "i dont care, as long as i get to see you more." i smiled softly and pulled her in for a kiss. 

              Young's pov (in the morning)

                 i woke up and looked over at my still sleeping lovely husband. i smiled hugging him. i sighed giving him pecks around his cheeks. i then looked down at his morning boner and wanted to do something a little more romantic. i went under the covers and slid his boxers down. i smiled at it before putting it into my mouth. 

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