Chapter 36 (21+)

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                  "oh baby~" i moaned. he kissed my neck moving up and down gracefully. "don't moan to loud." he chuckled lightly. we were in the back of the movie theater which was just us and bangton who were all the way in the front distracted by the horror movie playing to care about anything else. 

              i moaned and felt sweat come down my neck and legs as he went harder. "oh baby your gonna make me scream." he bit his lip back. "fuck that would be so hot, but i don't them to see your sexy body." he moved closer making my moans deeper and next to his ear. we were also having to use a condom because i forgot to take my pills which felt less compelling but did still feel amazingly good. 

            he went deeper but twitched letting out a groan. i widen my eyes and looked in the front to see jin turn around. he widen his eyes when he saw the position me and jimin were. neither of us were naked but we had our undergarments on and were connected still to each other. but jimin knew before covering our parts with a jacket and letting us keep our shirts on. jimin still had his pants on but unzipped his zipper and moved aside my underwear from under my skirt to get into me. 

              jin noticed almost imminently what we were doing. i gulped when he started walking towards us, bangton turned curiously. jimin whispered quietly. "act normal baby, and he won't suspect anything." 

           he looked at us and furrowed his eyebrows. "why are you two all the way in the back?" jimin shrugged and casually wrapped his arms around my lap. "we told you guys to move back here, you guys didn't want to." jimin said causally. jin hummed. "what was that noise i heard?" i didn't move my mouth. i knew if i said something i would probably reveal us almost immediately. 

              "i hit my foot against the chair in front of me... sorry." he added to be more believable. jin seemed like he believed us. "so you wouldn't mind if i looked under this jack-" he was about to lift it but i quickly pushed it down. jin gave us the serious mom look he always does when we do something he doesn't like. 

                 "you guys are dead when we get home." he whispered angrily before walking back out side the theater. jimin and i looked at each other surprised. "do you think he's gonna try something?" jimin shaked his head. "i doubt it. you know how he doesn't want you to have sex with me because your too young or whatever." i pouted laying against him. "I'm not a child anymore. jimin hummed caressing my cheek with his finger when he finished cleaning us up. he threw the almost used condom somewhere under the seat.  

              "don't worry baby, ill pleasure you any time of the day, in any week. my beautifully born wife." i giggled and laid against him. "i still cant believe we got married, just 4 weeks ago girls were flirting with you because i was only your girlfriend. now I'm your wife. this seems like a dream."

         He smiled and pecked my head. "Trust me beautiful I've pinched myself a million times. This isn't a dream." I smiled and gave him a soft peck. The movie ended and we all left together to the car. "Hey what happen to Jin?" Namjoon asked.

         I hummed and shrugged. "No clue." I said pretending not to know. We all made it to the car and got in it. Jin was in the driver's seat. He looked upset but didn't say anything as we got in. "Hyung what's wrong? You've never been so mad" Hoseok asked.

            Jin sighed. "Young please sit next to hoseok for me. I looked at him through the rearview mirror. He saw me sitting ontop of jimin. And he knew that I felt comfortable like this. But he probably was the one who wasn't comfortable.

     I was going to move but jimin held down my waist. "Hyung she's my wife, you do know we're allowed to do these type of things." Jimin said holding me down on his lap as I moved back to hug him. Jin stopped the car and turned around to look at us. Everyone stayed silent.

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